Reusse defends against Sporting News


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Jun 5, 2009
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Reusse has a little article defending the Gophers against the recent 2-10 sporting news prediction.
Fairly backhanded with his compliments, but at least it's somewhat logical. He does predict wins against Iowa and PSU, which would be monumental in my book.
He's definitely changed his tone with regards to the football program since he and Brew came to an understanding this winter. I think he's starting to understand that Brewster is better regarded as a "character" than as a punching bag. Love the 1500 twins talk with him and Mackey too.
I dunno, compared to how I felt about him this fall to now, quite a turnaround.

He's got one motive with predicting wins over Iowa and PSU... If the gophers lose, no one will remember his prediction, and if they win... he looks like a genius. That's a win/win situation for him.
It is about time that the Gophers got a little love from the Twin Cities media. I'd be surprised if any Big 10 team got ripped more by the local media than the Gophers, which is really a shame.
Other than Hartman, whose best days are well behind him, few give the U much love.

Reusse bleeds Maroon & Gold with his new show.

He's got one motive with predicting wins over Iowa and PSU... If the gophers lose, no one will remember his prediction, and if they win... he looks like a genius. That's a win/win situation for him.
It is about time that the Gophers got a little love from the Twin Cities media. I'd be surprised if any Big 10 team got ripped more by the local media than the Gophers, which is really a shame.
Other than Hartman, whose best days are well behind him, few give the U much love.

You're right in that this is a tactical article by Ruesse. Except how he rolls it's the opposite. His problem is that if Brew is a legitimate underdog his attacks don't have bite. He needs to set up higher expectations that he thinks Brew can't achieve. Then when he fails he can attack.

Remember how he set up the unlikely three team sweep last year including our game against Wisconsin that was extremely unlikely and when it failed to materialize this place went nuts because we couldn't defeat those three teams. All because of the unrealistic expectations Ruesse set up. I think we were favored in one of those games.

If I know Ruesse, this is just the beginning of the set up. he's gotten sneaky in his old age.

I read this as a 100 percent sarcastic take by Reusse. He's making fun of Gopher fans for being upset while at the same time pointing out that they've been nothing but an average (at best) team lately. I took the whole article as a HUGE rip on the Gophers and their fans. He think it's funny that people would get so upset about a prediction of 2-10 when their own prediction is probably nothing better than a mediocre 6-6.

I read this as a 100 percent sarcastic take by Reusse. He's making fun of Gopher fans for being upset while at the same time pointing out that they've been nothing but an average (at best) team lately. I took the whole article as a HUGE rip on the Gophers and their fans. He think it's funny that people would get so upset about a prediction of 2-10 when their own prediction is probably nothing better than a mediocre 6-6.

I read it the same way. Though it was hard to argue with his take, really. The whole premise of the article is that no one in this town is rushing to defend them from this terrible slight, so he, a proud gopher fan, will do it.;)

I read this as a 100 percent sarcastic take by Reusse. He's making fun of Gopher fans for being upset while at the same time pointing out that they've been nothing but an average (at best) team lately. I took the whole article as a HUGE rip on the Gophers and their fans. He think it's funny that people would get so upset about a prediction of 2-10 when their own prediction is probably nothing better than a mediocre 6-6.

I agree...almost have to be blind not to see it was a bit.

He thinks Brew is a complete huckster and unfortunately so far he hasn't given us much proof to the contrary...time to step it up Brew & staff and let's see a 7-5 or 8-4 season

Go Gophs!

I agree...almost have to be blind not to see it was a bit.

He thinks Brew is a complete huckster and unfortunately so far he hasn't given us much proof to the contrary...time to step it up Brew & staff and let's see a 7-5 or 8-4 season

Go Gophs!

This isn't good. 4 years in and some fans are hoping to go 7-5/8-4. I guess if you don't expect much, you won't be disaappointed.
With expectations like this, Maturi will look like a genius if the Gophers get to something other than the lowest rated bowl game that the Big 10 is tied into.

This isn't good. 4 years in and some fans are hoping to go 7-5/8-4. I guess if you don't expect much, you won't be disaappointed.
With expectations like this, Maturi will look like a genius if the Gophers get to something other than the lowest rated bowl game that the Big 10 is tied into.

But yet, you think Coach Brewster is a joke for coming in saying his goal was a Rose Bowl or a National Championship? Which way do you want it?

But yet, you think Coach Brewster is a joke for coming in saying his goal was a Rose Bowl or a National Championship? Which way do you want it?

No, what I'm saying is that fans apparently have lowered their expectations so much that 7-5/8-4 look good. Coaches have to sound optimistic or they're doomed with recruits and the AD.

Back in the day... the beginning of the Iowa turnaround was an upset victory over a good and highly ranked Nebraska team by a Hayden Fry team. Minnesota has never had that signature upset in the recent past. I honestly believe Brewster needs that this year to keep his job. I think he gets canned even if he goes 7-5, if one of those 7 wins isn't over either PSU, OSU, USC, Wisky, or Iowa. That's 5 chances to pull it off. The clock is ticking.

No, what I'm saying is that fans apparently have lowered their expectations so much that 7-5/8-4 look good. Coaches have to sound optimistic or they're doomed with recruits and the AD.

Back in the day... the beginning of the Iowa turnaround was an upset victory over a good and highly ranked Nebraska team by a Hayden Fry team. Minnesota has never had that signature upset in the recent past. I honestly believe Brewster needs that this year to keep his job. I think he gets canned even if he goes 7-5, if one of those 7 wins isn't over either PSU, OSU, USC, Wisky, or Iowa. That's 5 chances to pull it off. The clock is ticking.

Depends on your version of recent, but you obviously know more about the hawkeyes than the Gophers. No way, absolutely no way, Brewster is fired if we go 7-5. None.

Fans on this site have complained that he's never won a rivalry game since he's been at Minnesota. If he gets pounded again this year by Wisconsin and Iowa, does that affect his status?

Given all the off-field chaos this off season and the revolving door with assistant coaches, I still believe he's got to get that BIG win.

But you're correct. I don't know all the behind the scenes happenings in Gopherland.

Fans on this site have complained that he's never won a rivalry game since he's been at Minnesota. If he gets pounded again this year by Wisconsin and Iowa, does that affect his status?

Given all the off-field chaos this off season and the revolving door with assistant coaches, I still believe he's got to get that BIG win.

But you're correct. I don't know all the behind the scenes happenings in Gopherland.

It will never come down to a big win. It will always be a judgement call. Is the program better and progressing or isn't it? It takes more intelligence to answer that question than some flimsy "big win" standard.

Thanks for the response. In your opinion... is progress being made in the program? What's everyones' definition of progress? Academics/graduation rate, wins/losses, revenue increases, alumni contributions, national perception??

all of the above. Most notably are we playing better football, and is our talent level improving. When the team stagnates in those areas and it looks as though we've plateaued like Mason did then it's time to move on. We're no where near that situation yet. the best talent will for the first time be on the field this year, and we'll be stronger this year and next. There is no win loss standard in this phase of program development.

all of the above. Most notably are we playing better football, and is our talent level improving. When the team stagnates in those areas and it looks as though we've plateaued like Mason did then it's time to move on. We're no where near that situation yet. the best talent will for the first time be on the field this year, and we'll be stronger this year and next. There is no win loss standard in this phase of program development.

I think that's an awfully naive viewpoint, unless you're talking about your own personal opinion. But if you're suggesting that Maturi, et al., won't be applying some win-loss standard when assessing Brewster's future at the end of the year, I disagree.

I think that's an awfully naive viewpoint, unless you're talking about your own personal opinion. But if you're suggesting that Maturi, et al., won't be applying some win-loss standard when assessing Brewster's future at the end of the year, I disagree.

I think that's an awfully naive viewpoint, unless you're talking about your own personal opinion.

I think that's an awfully naive viewpoint, unless you're talking about your own personal opinion.

I think that's an awfully naive viewpoint, unless you're talking about your own personal opinion.

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