Reusse: Dead horse that's already been kicked; mentions GH


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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The tough guys are out in force now. Whether reading or hearing people from traditional media outlets, or those nasty folks that respond anonymously on newspaper and other websites, or those that use discussion boards dedicated to the subject at hand, it is now open season on Tim Brewster, the Gophers' football coach.

The media types are in competition to see how much more clever they can be in bludgeoning Brewster than the previous guy. The parasites that sneak out of hiding to post at the bottom of articles are in competition to find out how much more vile they can be than the previous guy.

And even the boards alleged to be home to the faithful followers of the team have turned., the most-popular site for U of M football and men's basketball, appears to have change to title of its football forum from Brew's Crew to Six National Titles in recent hours.

To all these tough guys, I have a single question: Why bother?

Brewster has been defeated. He has been muzzled. He has been drained.

That was a sick-looking man on the sidelines late in Saturday's 34-23 loss to Northern Illinois. And leaving the field, with only a few hundred stragglers remaining in the new, on-campus stadium, he looked as if he might need assistance to stagger to the locker room.

And now there are scores in the media, and hundreds of parasites, and thousands in the fan base, ready to show how tough they can be in blasting Brewster. And I'm a media type that started in on Brewster from his first news conference, from the moment that he first uttered "Gopher Nation,'' and now I say, "Why bother?''

I listened to that over-the-top bluster from Day One, and said, "There's no substance to this, there's no sincerity,'' and started taking shots in Star Tribune columns, as a sports guy on what was then the Talk Station.

It was only an opinion then - based on previous experience with's holding jobs of large responsibility - that Brewster was never going to succeed as a Big Ten football coach.

To me, that opinion turned to fact two years ago. The Gophers started that season 7-1: four non-conference wins, a loss at Ohio State, and then a three-game Big Ten winning streak.

There was a road victory at Illinois in that streak, and Brewster called it a program turner. For him, it was certainly, since Illinois was his alma mater and the Illini had annihilated the Gophers at the Metrodome in 2007, but to take his first-ever notable and say, "This is it ... a program turner,'' it only reinforced the idea this was a coaching approach built on nonsense rather than substance.

I wasn't 100 percent on that, though, until the Gophers lost the next three to fall to 3-4 in the Big Ten, and then lost 55-0 to Iowa in the season finale - and the last game ever played at the Metrodome.

A week later, he was changing the offense and turning coordinator Mike Dunbar into a scapegoat. That was another tipoff: Competent assistants that could find another job were bailing on Brewster, and others were sacked by Brewster to direct responsibility for failure away from himself.

This is old stuff, of course. Brewster's failure to make it as a head coach in a BCS conference has been guaranteed since Kirk Ferentz brought the Iowa Hawkeys to the big top and gave a Gophers' team that was once 7-1 the worst Big Ten loss in Minnesota's football history.

So, now he's 1-3 heading into the Big Ten schedule, with a loss to South Dakota in a shootout, and a loss to Northern Illinois in a fourth-quarter blowout, and the machetes are swinging from everywhere.

The "Fire Brewster'' chants are unnecessary. That's going to happen at season's end. Brewster knows it. His bosses know it. Anyone with even a mild interest Gophers' football knows it.

So, why bother with the tough opinions, and nasty posts? Watching Brewster leave the stadium on Saturday night, the dead horse already had been kicked

Go Gophers!!

Doesn't Reusse understand we are trying to kick the dead horse off the field, so that we can get a fresh horse on ASAP?? We feel that time is of the essence. Oh well.

Always get a kick out of the media folks. First, they don't even give Brewster a chance to coach before they're ripping him a new one, which of course leads to also ripping Gopher fans who defend the coach. Then a few years later, after Gopher fans give the guy a chance and decide enough is enough, the media folks rip Gopher fans for ripping Tim Brewster. Boy, they like to talk out of both sides of their collective yaps don't they? Just another reason why the media folks in the cities are considered a never-ending joke by the populus.

I think Reusse is a DEAD HORSE also and needs to find a place to go die. He constantly bashes MN sport teams and thinks he is a psychic. Why does SUblow and Reuss suck so bad at the strip, can the strip not hire younger better professionals than these clowns.

Always get a kick out of the media folks. First, they don't even give Brewster a chance to coach before they're ripping him a new one, which of course leads to also ripping Gopher fans who defend the coach. Then a few years later, after Gopher fans give the guy a chance and decide enough is enough, the media folks rip Gopher fans for ripping Tim Brewster. Boy, they like to talk out of both sides of their collective yaps don't they? Just another reason why the media folks in the cities are considered a never-ending joke by the populus.

You are missing his point. His point is anyone with an ounce of brains knew what this guy is/was the day he stepped off the bus.

You are missing his point. His point is anyone with an ounce of brains knew what this guy is/was the day he stepped off the bus.

Actually, I did get the point. Reusse, like Barreiro, wants everyone to tell them how smart they are while getting a dig in at folks who actually gave Brewster a chance at the start. And in that regard, it has less to do with Brewster than it has to do with their need to tell everyone how smart they are. Again, classic Twin Cities media approach.

Actually, I did get the point. Reusse, like Barreiro, wants everyone to tell them how smart they are while getting a dig in at folks who actually gave Brewster a chance at the start. And in that regard, it has less to do with Brewster than it has to do with their need to tell everyone how smart they are. Again, classic Twin Cities media approach.

Those who say "I saw this coming" are making a mistake. They are confusing having guessed right with having known.

You can rip Brewster for lots of things, but I don't think sincerety is one of them.

Those who say "I saw this coming" are making a mistake. They are confusing having guessed right with having known.

But there's a difference between guessing and making an educated guess. There were lots of red flags.

Always get a kick out of the media folks. First, they don't even give Brewster a chance to coach before they're ripping him a new one, which of course leads to also ripping Gopher fans who defend the coach. Then a few years later, after Gopher fans give the guy a chance and decide enough is enough, the media folks rip Gopher fans for ripping Tim Brewster. Boy, they like to talk out of both sides of their collective yaps don't they? Just another reason why the media folks in the cities are considered a never-ending joke by the populus.

Those are my exact thoughts. I generally like Reusse and think he's still the best sportswriter in the burg, but it is a bit disingenuous to constantly rip a guy and then tell folks, "Hey, don't rip the guy."

Actually, I did get the point. Reusse, like Barreiro, wants everyone to tell them how smart they are while getting a dig in at folks who actually gave Brewster a chance at the start. And in that regard, it has less to do with Brewster than it has to do with their need to tell everyone how smart they are. Again, classic Twin Cities media approach.

Yeah really. While reading this, it just felt like it was Reusse thumping his chest and saying "I told you so" as if he knew from the beginning. Just like "You don't get to rip Brew, I was here first." Lame.

Those who say "I saw this coming" are making a mistake. They are confusing having guessed right with having known.
False. There were only about 800 clues floating around before the guy unpacked his bags. Anyone who says otherwise is still in denial over what is unfolding.

Reusse better be careful when thumping his chest. He could trigger cardiac arrest.

For all those that wanted Brewster gone from the beginning and are now proclaiming they were right, great...I'm happy for you. It doesn't change the fact that in order to build a football program you need stability and you need to give a coach more than 3 years to see what he can do. Brewster failed but you've got to give the next guy latitude as well.

Reusse better be careful when thumping his chest. He could trigger cardiac arrest.

For all those that wanted Brewster gone from the beginning and are now proclaiming they were right, great...I'm happy for you. It doesn't change the fact that in order to build a football program you need stability and you need to give a coach more than 3 years to see what he can do. Brewster failed but you've got to give the next guy latitude as well.

The next guy will have plenty of latitude to come in, roll up his sleeves, shut his mouth and SHOW us what he can do instead of TELL us what he can do!

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