Reusse column: Zimmer's backers a lot like Brewster's

What people need to realize is that assistant coaches are more astute than they are given credit for. The door in/out of assistants was an indication of Brew's abilities to put together and and retain a quality support staff. The number of coordinators that came and left after one year was Brew's downfall.

But we, including Reusse, are 100% accurate in hindsight.

I, like many, gave Brew the benefit of the doubt until things became obvious. Gopher Football became chaos under Brew, and as the Head Coach, was ultimately responsible for his own downfall.

I'm with you. The Brewster bashing was mostly backed by emotion with not much logic involved. He tried and failed. He wasn't an a**-clown like some have called him. He might still be here if he had a better understanding of what it takes to be a head coach imo.

I don't think it is fair to say there wasn't much logic. He tried and failed, and the failing is why people bash him. There are people who invest a lot of time and money into supporting Gopher football. He took a program that was in a mediocre place, and drove it so low in only four years that we are treating a 4-4 season three years later like it is a miracle given how bad of a state Brewster left it in. I don't hate the guy, I don't want him to get sick or get hit by a car or anything stupid like that, but I am no fan of his as a football coach because of the damage he did to our program.

I don't think it is fair to say there wasn't much logic. He tried and failed, and the failing is why people bash him. There are people who invest a lot of time and money into supporting Gopher football. He took a program that was in a mediocre place, and drove it so low in only four years that we are treating a 4-4 season three years later like it is a miracle given how bad of a state Brewster left it in. I don't hate the guy, I don't want him to get sick or get hit by a car or anything stupid like that, but I am no fan of his as a football coach because of the damage he did to our program.

I'm talking about the insults and hate that went his way. There was a lot of that...a lot. That was all based on emotion. The wanting him gone, because of where the program was, was justified.

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