Reusse column: Fill small shoes and you can be a hero

When things are bad, people like to criticize anything and everything. What I think it funny is how these same people provide no insight on what should be changed or done differently.

If President Kaler does good for every other part of the U and Kill fails, I will be okay with it.

Lot's of BIG "if's" there zambam.

They have got the stadium payments to make. There won't be much money for the U of M from the state after Dayton builds a stadium for the vikings.

How will the academic rankings hold up? Will prexy k hold on to the BEST U of M professors, or will other colleges and schools raid the best profs because the U can't pay them enough?

Getting money from the state will be tough because the feds are cutting down payments to the states when ever and where ever they can.

prexy k just MAY have an impossible mission here at the U of M. Of course, we all wish him well. Time will tell...time i going to tell us a WHOLE bunch about a WHOLE lot of things related to the administration of the University of Minnesota and the U of M Football Program/academics/fund-raising/ relationship with the state government, etc.

; 0 )

If the U can't pay it's professors just because of the reduced state funding, that is pathetic.

I agree with Reusse and Old Gopher to some extent, this whole issue with academic struggles is on Kill in my mind. I remember a lot of people praising Brew for academics in 2008 and 2009, and when Kill came on board he said they slid with no real head coach but things were moving in the right direction after the spring semster:

He praised them last semester after claiming they were going to struggle, now the kids won't go to class? He had plenty of time to get rid of players and did get rid of a few (Edwards, etc) but now it is a big problem again. I was as excited as most of the people on the board about Kill and I was willing to give him some slack as I knew the team wouldn't be very good, but I'm not sure why he is saying some of these things about the players, program, and University lately. He can be as hard on the kids as he wants in practice and in private, and I don't mind him ripping team effort or play after a game, but saying the kids won't go to class, aren't talented, and that he'll need 5 recruiting classes to turn it around is stuff that needs to stay out of the papers. It bothers me and I'm sure a lot of the kids see stuff like that and it makes them want to care even less. This town can be incredibly negative and the media is no help, but he needs to ignore/rise above criticism that makes him feel like he needs to go on about how bad things are and just work on showing improvement so he doesn't lose season ticket holders, and establishes credibility with future recruiting targets.

For it to have been an extension, there would have had to have been an existing contract. They had a rough agreement when he accepted the job, but this is the first actual contract.

As far as people mocking it, that appears to be limited to the local media (no surprise) and smack talkers from other schools (again, no surprise). I don't see much mocking from the national sports media. The smack talkers will talk smack, no matter what you do. Giving into them is like handing over your lunch money to the bully in the hopes that he will leave you alone.

He's likely referring to this:

"Jerry Kill provided a sobering assessment of the Gophers football program Wednesday, saying it might take four recruiting classes "to really evaluate who we are and what we're doing," and that his staff is monitoring 63 of the team's players to make sure they're attending class."

I don't know if that qualifies as "academic trouble," however you wish to define that.

Precisely the point. Those kids represent The U, and it's better for the program as a whole if the players are observed attending class. In no way, shape or form should that be construed as "academic trouble".

Players not going to class isn't academic trouble - yet. Not going to class tends to lead to academic trouble. It is much easier to fix problems when they are small than to fix them when they are big.

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