Reusse claiming Philip Nelson is switching schools


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Jul 22, 2009
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So why did Reusse mention Philip Nelson matriculating elsewhere by the end of summer 2012? I am going to assume that he knows more about the insides of the local sports scene than i do. The other guy on the radio instantly agreed with him.

wait!what? said:
So why did Reusse mention Philip Nelson matriculating elsewhere by the end of summer 2012? I am going to assume that he knows more about the insides of the local sports scene than i do. The other guy on the radio instantly agreed with him.

Although Mr. Negativity never has anything positive to say about Gopher football....He just responded to your comment with this tweet:

Always like to check Gopher Holers after scintillating spring football game & noted this claim:
Reusse says on radio Phil Nelson to switch schools. What was said is I'm wondering why Shortell isn't transferring, w/ Nelson now at U.!/1500ESPN_Reusse

So he did not say Nelson was transferring. Reusse continues to show a hell of a lot of respect for Nelson.

And, in spite of the hate and name calling here, a shocking amount of notice for Gopherhole.

Fact is, I first heard of Gopherhole from Reusse. For that, I am grateful. I hope he will someday realize that to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable," he might want to rethink us long suffering, and true-to-the-core, Gopher fans.

Although Mr. Negativity never has anything positive to say about Gopher football....He just responded to your comment with this tweet:

Always like to check Gopher Holers after scintillating spring football game & noted this claim:
Reusse says on radio Phil Nelson to switch schools. What was said is I'm wondering why Shortell isn't transferring, w/ Nelson now at U.!/1500ESPN_Reusse
Well Pat (I assume you are going to read this), I would say Max Shortell has confidence in his abilities. Unlike your confidence in your abilities as a writer, I do not think this confidence is unfounded.

So he did not say Nelson was transferring. Reusse continues to show a hell of a lot of respect for Nelson.

And, in spite of the hate and name calling here, a shocking amount of notice for Gopherhole.

Fact is, I first heard of Gopherhole from Reusse. For that, I am grateful. I hope he will someday realize that to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable," he might want to rethink us long suffering, and true-to-the-core, Gopher fans.

I don't even mean this as a rip to Reusse, but I think it's pretty obvious that he reads Gopherhole quite a bit and a lot of his schtick is aimed at needling the GHers.

I have never seen Reusse's twitter or read his articles but I was completely shocked at the amount of the uncalled for shots he actually takes at the University of Minnesota and students.

I have never seen Reusse's twitter or read his articles but I was completely shocked at the amount of the uncalled for shots he actually takes at the University of Minnesota and students.

From the person with the moniker "drunkgopher" :)

Although Mr. Negativity never has anything positive to say about Gopher football....He just responded to your comment with this tweet:

Always like to check Gopher Holers after scintillating spring football game & noted this claim:
Reusse says on radio Phil Nelson to switch schools. What was said is I'm wondering why Shortell isn't transferring, w/ Nelson now at U.!/1500ESPN_Reusse

Exactly when did you start following me on Twitter?

I think it is a little too early to talk about Shortell transferring, but if Nelson ends up winning the battle next year it wouldn't be shocking. The same could be said the other way around also. Everyone loves the unproven but talented new guy, everyone loves the local kid, and everyone loves the backup QB. Nelson has it all, which is why people are on his bandwagon right now. That being said, people seem to be forgetting that Shortell is a pretty darn good prospect as well.

I probably would have waited to talk about the transfer idea, but then again there is a lot Reusse does that I wouldn't do.

I think a lot of the criticism Reusse receives is unfair. Reusse might actually be our best local sports columnist - though this says a lot more about our local sports columnists than it says about him. You can still count on him for at least one howler per month (his column on who was to blame for the Twins' last season is enshrined in my Lazy Sports Analysis Hall of Fame) and one solid column per month, with the rest being nothing to write home about. Not spectacular, but at least he's a better writer than Souhan. And as far as the Gophers go, his criticism often isn't wrong.

That being said, the fact that he actively reads this forum and trolls it for a reaction is rather sad, and raises the question of why the hell a sports columnist at what is ostensibly an established, well-read newspaper would do this. It certainly diminishes the modest esteem in which I held him. You're a grown man, Pat. Act like one.

I think a lot of the criticism Reusse receives is unfair. Reusse might actually be our best local sports columnist - though this says a lot more about our local sports columnists than it says about him. You can still count on him for at least one howler per month (his column on who was to blame for the Twins' last season is enshrined in my Lazy Sports Analysis Hall of Fame) and one solid column per month, with the rest being nothing to write home about. Not spectacular, but at least he's a better writer than Souhan. And as far as the Gophers go, his criticism often isn't wrong.

That being said, the fact that he actively reads this forum and trolls it for a reaction is rather sad, and raises the question of why the hell a sports columnist at what is ostensibly an established, well-read newspaper would do this. It certainly diminishes the modest esteem in which I held him. You're a grown man, Pat. Act like one.

I think the Reusse ripping is spot on. I like Doogie much more than Reusse, and even Doogie falls trap to being incredibly lazy on occasion.

Reusse is a dolt when it comes to college sports.
-He is surprised that Shortell hasn't transferred? What? I like Phil Nelson and I am excited to see those guys battle it out next season, but there is absolutely no guarantee who will be starting. Every program in the country will recruit a QB every season, so you will get competition. He is surprised that Max Shortell hasn't thought to himself "Oh no, they recruited another QB, I have to go find a school that will recruit a QB every 2-3 years." His surprise that Shortell hasn't transferred is just another example of him not having any idea about the college game.
-You can find countless examples of this throughout his writing.

Reusse also likes to take shots at the U for no reason.
When Mbakwe tweeted that he was coming back and did the #unfinished business
Reusse responded back to him "Ok big guy, you come back and the Gophers win the NIT next year".

a: What kind of reputable journalist trolls the local athletes twitter? That is classic trolling. It shouldn't be surprising because Reusse looks like we'd imagine every troll to look. Morbidly obese, hunched over the computer with chicken grease covered fingers.
b: How terribly awful is that take? You take a team that lost in the NIT Championships that will return everyone and add Mbakwe, and Reusse thinks that's as far as they can go?

There are countless examples. Reusse is the worst, in my opinion. Doogie at his worst, is just lazy and he falls trap to the mindset of getting clicks and appealing to the lowest common denominator. But I've never seen him troll an athlete and he definitely "gets" college athletics more than Reusse.

I've only been in the Twin Cities for a couple years. It didn't take long for me to realize what an ass Reusse is. I do enjoy Doogie's Q&A's.

station19 said:
Exactly when did you start following me on Twitter?
My mistake....must not be - you're not kissing Reusse's @ss usual. Maybe you finally realized what a complete Gopher football hater he is.

I think the Reusse ripping is spot on. I like Doogie much more than Reusse, and even Doogie falls trap to being incredibly lazy on occasion.

Reusse is a dolt when it comes to college sports.
-He is surprised that Shortell hasn't transferred? What? I like Phil Nelson and I am excited to see those guys battle it out next season, but there is absolutely no guarantee who will be starting. Every program in the country will recruit a QB every season, so you will get competition. He is surprised that Max Shortell hasn't thought to himself "Oh no, they recruited another QB, I have to go find a school that will recruit a QB every 2-3 years." His surprise that Shortell hasn't transferred is just another example of him not having any idea about the college game.
-You can find countless examples of this throughout his writing.

Reusse also likes to take shots at the U for no reason.
When Mbakwe tweeted that he was coming back and did the #unfinished business
Reusse responded back to him "Ok big guy, you come back and the Gophers win the NIT next year".

a: What kind of reputable journalist trolls the local athletes twitter? That is classic trolling. It shouldn't be surprising because Reusse looks like we'd imagine every troll to look. Morbidly obese, hunched over the computer with chicken grease covered fingers.
b: How terribly awful is that take? You take a team that lost in the NIT Championships that will return everyone and add Mbakwe, and Reusse thinks that's as far as they can go?

There are countless examples. Reusse is the worst, in my opinion. Doogie at his worst, is just lazy and he falls trap to the mindset of getting clicks and appealing to the lowest common denominator. But I've never seen him troll an athlete and he definitely "gets" college athletics more than Reusse.

Didn't say he wasn't an ass. I said he's better than Souhan, which he is. Guys like Souhan and Powers almost always fail the "My Neighbor Steve" test ("Could I have gotten this same insight in a five-minute conversation with my neighbor Steve who cleans toilets for a living? If yes, then you've wasted my time"). Reusse occasionally passes it. Our local sportswriters are pretty much uniformly dreadful. Reusse is SLIGHTLY less so because at least his stuff isn't ALWAYS bland pablum. Granted, this is usually because they're filled with sometimes-unwarranted bile (e.g. the Twitter comment). But let's be honest - it's kind of easy and not all wrong to be critical of Minnesota athletics right now.

None of our local columnists, of course, are as bad as multi-award-winning millionaire sports columnist Rick Reilly. Or any number of broadcasters I could mention. I don't have a tremendous amount of respect for any professional sportswriter. It's my opinion that sportswriting is the one and only field in which free online content generators have unquestionably surpassed the professionals. Give me Gleeman, SelectionSunday, or anybody on Fire Joe Morgan over anybody the Press or Strib has.

Reusse even making that comment off-handed (I didn't hear the context of the comment) is just lazy speculation with no logic behind it at all. What QB with any scrap of dignity or competitive drive (which we have already seen Shortell has plenty of) would transfer away from a school where he has the potential to start for two years in a major conference? I get that Nelson is the golden boy, but the thing is, analysts and scouts miss all the time on prospects. I'm not saying this will happen to Nelson and I sure hope it doesn't. If you were to say that this were the case, why wouldn't all the Notre Dame QB's transfer every single year?
All that being said, I don't see Shortell transferring at all unless Kill and co. tell him he has no shot at winning the starting job come next fall and I'm reasonably sure we can all agree that is not going to happen. Besides, we just may see Max before this season is over getting some form of playing time.

Didn't say he wasn't an ass. I said he's better than Souhan, which he is. Guys like Souhan and Powers almost always fail the "My Neighbor Steve" test ("Could I have gotten this same insight in a five-minute conversation with my neighbor Steve who cleans toilets for a living? If yes, then you've wasted my time"). Reusse occasionally passes it. Our local sportswriters are pretty much uniformly dreadful. Reusse is SLIGHTLY less so because at least his stuff isn't ALWAYS bland pablum. Granted, this is usually because they're filled with sometimes-unwarranted bile (e.g. the Twitter comment). But let's be honest - it's kind of easy and not all wrong to be critical of Minnesota athletics right now.

None of our local columnists, of course, are as bad as multi-award-winning millionaire sports columnist Rick Reilly. Or any number of broadcasters I could mention. I don't have a tremendous amount of respect for any professional sportswriter. It's my opinion that sportswriting is the one and only field in which free online content generators have unquestionably surpassed the professionals. Give me Gleeman, SelectionSunday, or anybody on Fire Joe Morgan over anybody the Press or Strib has.

I couldn't agree with you more. When I want to read sports stories, I can't even will myself to read most of the slop that's published in the area papers. All that ends up happening once I read it is the feeling that I could've written something 100 times better in 15 minutes.

Most of the articles now are just a big waste of time.

What everyone needs to realize is that Reusse needs to write something, anything, until Fulda Town Team baseball starts.

Didn't say he wasn't an ass. I said he's better than Souhan, which he is.

It is a sad state of affairs when those are your best two options. There are about 12 other sources I will go to for Twin Cities sports reading before Reusse, and all of them are available for free. If I get 15 free STrib articles each month, I would never waste one of them on someone irrelevant like Souhan or Reusse. More than anything else, I find their situation sad. It's like being a second-rate shoe repairman. There just isn't enough demand out there to get away with being bad.

I hadn't heard about his trolling of Mbakwe. Wow. Has anybody else ever heard of a sportswriter trash-talking a college kid directly? That might be a first.

Dr.Don said:
What everyone needs to realize is that Reusse needs to write something, anything, until Fulda Town Team baseball starts.
What is a Fulda?



Yep, I listened to the podcast and Reusse said 'Max'. My mistake.

What everyone needs to realize is that Reusse needs to write something, anything, until Fulda Town Team baseball starts.[/QUOTE

Reusse is probably mad that Fulda doesn't have a town team baseball team. He probably has allegiance to the reincarnated Worthington Cubs.

You guys are way too easy to make fun of. Attacking his writing, weight and hometown because he complimented Phillip Nelson.

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