Reusse 1500 column: Kill, Frazier: We want to believe

We want to believe because we are football fans and not professional cynics.

It must be depressing being that negative all the time. I wonder if he is ever excited, hopeful or just plain happy about anything.

Wonder if...

the only thing worse than being a fan of Minnesota football is being a writer whose beat is Minnesota football. I mean, we all want a winner here. We want it bad. But I wonder if Pat just wants to write about a winner even worse and snarkiness is the only coping skill in his repertoire.

Unfortunately for us all, he is one of only a handful of journalists who write about Minnesota football. Lord knows there is no national media writing about it!


It must be depressing being that negative all the time. I wonder if he is ever excited, hopeful or just plain happy about anything.

It is pretty obvious he is never happy about anything. Just watch him on the sports reporters sunday night. The only time the man smiles is when Sid is upset about something. He is a sicophant who only gets pleasure out of others misfortunes.

It must be depressing being that negative all the time. I wonder if he is ever excited, hopeful or just plain happy about anything.

He only gets pleasure criticising and bullying people who are good human beings . He has never played sports in his life and he is a fat,lazy slob in my opinion.He should have been fired years ago. He never writes anything positive -- only wants ro revel in other people's shortcomings.

He only gets pleasure criticising and bullying people who are good human beings . He has never played sports in his life and he is a fat,lazy slob in my opinion.He should have been fired years ago. He never writes anything positive -- only wants ro revel in other people's shortcomings.

It also gets all of his columns clicks, links, and talked about. I think he's a generally negative guy who honed his schtick into an artform.

Pat misses the point on Kill and he does so on purpose. Never let the truth get in the way of a good column (or of this column). People have decided to be impressed with Kill because he's humble and hard working? Really?

What he's doing with this column is hedging. If it doesn't turn out, he wants to be able to say that you heard it from him first. A pretty meaningless professional avocation, though, if you ask me.

Artform ?

One person's art may be other people's garbage. He is garbage in my opinion. Why is he only negative? Thats my point!

One person's art may be other people's garbage. He is garbage in my opinion. Why is he only negative? Thats my point!

Dude. Chill. I already gave you my answer about why he's always negative. I think he does it because he's a negative guy who recognized he could make a career out of being himself. That random folks would give him too much attention and credibility b/c he's not a "homer".

I don't care for his work, but you don't have to like it to recognize that he's found his niche. I hate that there is a place for his BS in the marketplace but I also recognize that I don't live in what I'd consider to be a perfect world. Just recognize he's trying to push your buttons and you won't feel the need to get so worked up over his writing.

I agree with Reusse on the first part, one of the reasons MN fired Brewster early was to get a head start on BCS schools hiring. In the end, our first choices didn't want to come here. Ok, fine. Does that mean we shouldn't have fired Brewster early?

"Kill came off as an affable country boy in his press conference the next day. That's all it took for Dinkytown Nation to change its view of the hiring and to say in unison, 'I'm warming up to this guy."

Honestly, what do you expect? Fans are going to get behind whoever the new coach is. Michigan fans were pumped when Rodriguez was hire, Illinois fans were pumped when Zook was hired.

"Now, four years later, the same zealots are telling us that stars don't matter - not with Jerry Kill and his fellow loyal assistants to coach ‘em up."

Who's saying this? Even Jerry Kill himself said at his first press conference that ultimately you win with players. I think fans are excited because this guy can actually coach and perhaps will get more out of whatever talent he has but I don't know anyone who's claiming the gophers will get to the promise land by coaching up non-talent.

Frankly, his shtick is tiresome, but when he does positive work, it is really good. His story on Coach Warmath and Dr. Cook was really nice to read. See, that kind of Reusse work is so rare; it often leaves me thinking, okay, even the Grinch grew to love Christmas again!

Until he writes again...

Oh well, Go Gophers!

Pat misses the point on Kill and he does so on purpose. Never let the truth get in the way of a good column (or of this column). People have decided to be impressed with Kill because he's humble and hard working? Really?

What he's doing with this column is hedging. If it doesn't turn out, he wants to be able to say that you heard it from him first. A pretty meaningless professional avocation, though, if you ask me.

Agreed on all points. Sad.

Frankly, his shtick is tiresome, but when he does positive work, it is really good. His story on Coach Warmath and Dr. Cook was really nice to read. See, that kind of Reusse work is so rare; it often leaves me thinking, okay, even the Grinch grew to love Christmas again!

Until he writes again...

Oh well, Go Gophers!

True. He has written some very good stuff. When he delves into his past and writes about the boy and later young man who grew up passionately in love with Gopher football, he's written some beautiful stuff.

But now he's a seemingly bitter and cynical old man, and that's too bad for him. It's not good for your health to be such a curmudgeonly bastard, so spite-filled and snide all the time, and not to mention what that type of outlook does to your mental state. Screw that, life's too damn short to be a perma-grouch.

"Now, four years later, the same zealots are telling us that stars don't matter - not with Jerry Kill and his fellow loyal assistants to coach ‘em up."

Who's saying this? Even Jerry Kill himself said at his first press conference that ultimately you win with players. I think fans are excited because this guy can actually coach and perhaps will get more out of whatever talent he has but I don't know anyone who's claiming the gophers will get to the promise land by coaching up non-talent.

This made me scratch my head as well. We might have all said that he can coach them up compared to Brew but the majority of fans have all questioned whether he can recruit B1G Ten caliber players. In my opinion he left out part of the story.

Once again folks on this board have skin that is way too thin. What exactly did he say in this article that is untrue?

-Edsall was our first choice and bailed at the last minute. I don't think anyone believes Maturi's drivel that would say otherwise.

-Many here were upset at the hire. Many here were trasnformed simply by the press conference. He didn't say it was wrong to have your opinion changed, he simply pointed it out. The recruits thus far are not filled with stars. Fact.

-Those annointing Frazier based on the last 6 games are having selective vision. We should be basing it on what he did prior to November 22, 2010. I like the choice, but this is a valid point.

-These are both somewhat unknown quantities and we want to believe they will work out. He doesn't rip folks for this, only points out the nature of both fan bases.

He doesn't rip folks for this, only points out the nature of both fan bases.

and every fan base in America. If he just notes that we are not different from other fan bases he would sound better.

I have no problem with him as I understand how he writes.

Once again folks on this board have skin that is way too thin. What exactly did he say in this article that is untrue?

-Edsall was our first choice and bailed at the last minute. I don't think anyone believes Maturi's drivel that would say otherwise.

-Many here were upset at the hire. Many here were trasnformed simply by the press conference. He didn't say it was wrong to have your opinion changed, he simply pointed it out. The recruits thus far are not filled with stars. Fact.

-Those annointing Frazier based on the last 6 games are having selective vision. We should be basing it on what he did prior to November 22, 2010. I like the choice, but this is a valid point.

-These are both somewhat unknown quantities and we want to believe they will work out. He doesn't rip folks for this, only points out the nature of both fan bases.

Howdy, your post was as predictable as Reusse's blog. Anyone who doesn't understand that a fan base looks at their team's performance and coaching hires differently than sportswriters and bloggers is clueless. At least half of the regular posters in GopherHole could have predicted that Reusse would write something like this and they would have done a better job writing it. Reusse is mailing it in these days like he has never done before.

You all read it. Its this kind of stuff which will sell newspapers. Who cares what he thinks? Apparently, we all do, because we couldn't help but read it to the end and that is time that we will never get back.

You all read it. Its this kind of stuff which will sell newspapers. Who cares what he thinks? Apparently, we all do, because we couldn't help but read it to the end and that is time that we will never get back.

I would argue that it is this kind of stuff that is driving newspapers into the ground. I read it because it was free and it came up on my Facebook feed because I am a "fan" of ESPN1500.

There is enough free sports analysis out there that paying for trite, predictable Reusse articles is no longer a necessity. If you want real sports writing, go pick up the Boston Globe, New York Times, or Washington Post. I would, and do, pay for those papers.

Howdy, your post was as predictable as Reusse's blog. Anyone who doesn't understand that a fan base looks at their team's performance and coaching hires differently than sportswriters and bloggers is clueless. At least half of the regular posters in GopherHole could have predicted that Reusse would write something like this and they would have done a better job writing it. Reusse is mailing it in these days like he has never done before.

It's not his best work. Not by a long shot. Truthfully, he didn't really say much new at all. But that is all the more reason I don't understand the instant negative reaction so many have on here to just about everything he writes. 'Fan base puts faith in new coach without much proof he will get job done.' Oooh, how dare he!

It's not his best work. Not by a long shot. Truthfully, he didn't really say much new at all. But that is all the more reason I don't understand the instant negative reaction so many have on here to just about everything he writes. 'Fan base puts faith in new coach without much proof he will get job done.' Oooh, how dare he!

I don't read his columns anymore. I haven't for a couple of years. However I hear him on the radio in the afternoon and am responding to his negative statements constantly. If KFAN were better I wouldn't listen to him at all.

I know I am only speaking for myself. Maybe my skin is too thin.

I don't have an issue with the article itself, I just think he left part of the story out and that bothers me a little.

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