Reusse 1500 blog: Badgers, Big Ten got what they deserved

Funny, Ruesse's 12/31/10 headline read "Badger football worthy of admiration" ..

A perfectly fair and correct observation. More of the usual double talk from Fat Pat. No wonder it's called 'Random Ruesse'. I becomes a spouting point for him to say anything he wants with even less accountability than the Strib.

If you read the blog entry on the link provided, he even goes as far to try and cover his tracks about his statement that the Gophers should have hired the recently disgraced Haywood (the guy Pitt hired, then fired), as it was all for the sake of 'humor'. At least he admits near the end that he 'doesn't know Diddley about Haywood'.

Yup. That, and more.

I had a really hard time following this article and found the explanation on Haywood to be downright goofy. It's almost like "I'll throw out any comment I want and would like the reader to it seriously until it is proven wrong, at which time I get to claim I was not serious about the comment in question."

Here are the first 4 paragraphs from FatPrick's December 5th column. Clearly tongue in cheek [ <-now that is tongue in cheek]

There are several questions to be asked of the M&M boys, Joel Maturi and Dave Mona, but here's the one that most intrigues a beat-up old sportswriter:

If you were going to the Mid-American Conference to find a new football coach for the Gophers, why didn't you hire the guy who won the MAC title game on Friday night, rather than the loser?

Miami (Ohio) was a 17 1/2-point underdog to Northern Illinois in Ford Field. Final: Miami 26, NIU 21.

And what did our traveling tandem do after that result came in? They hired Jerry Kill, 49, the coach who lost as a large favorite, rather than Mike Haywood, 46, a coach responsible for a rapid turnaround of downtrodden Miami.

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