Retiring Big Ten referee Dan Capron Tell Stories of Coaches and the Conference


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Apr 8, 2013
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Fun takes from outgoing B1G referee Dan Capron in the Chicago Tribune, including these gems on PJ:

P.J. Fleck?
He’s very intense. He should probably switch to decaf. I think he thinks that he is still playing the game. And he’s not. But, boy, you can’t argue with the success he has had.

He drew that unsportsmanlike conduct penalty in Iowa City for sprinting onto the field after Tyler Johnson got hurt.
He ran out on the field before the referee had beckoned him. It was just a little overexuberance. If I was the referee on that game, I might have wanted to have that flag back, but I’m not going to criticize him because you’ve got to make these decisions in the blink of an eye. And I wasn’t there. So I don’t know what it looked like or felt like. Watching it on TV, that might have been a stern talking-to: “Look, Coach, I know you’re concerned about your player, but you’ve got to wait for us to kill the clock.” A coach cannot run on the field at all unless we permit it.

Also great takes on Urban, Harbaugh and Bo Pelini.


UGH. Why wasn't he the ref at the Iowa game?!

Really fun article to read - thank you! It was so refreshing to hear honest opinions.
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