Report: Tennessee Football Staff Knowingly Played Lineman With Concussion

Who does he think he is? Brady Hoke?

Butch Jones should be gone for a variety of reasons, add this to the list

Reading the stories it seems like this is going to fall way more on the medical staff then it is on Jones. The story says he told a member of the staff but does not specify who. Whoever that was is going to get into a ton of trouble for how they handled it by letting the player go back out there.

That said, if Jones knew the player was feeling woozy and didn't pull him that is a different story. Until there is more info out about who knew what and when I think it is dangerous to just blame the coaches for not catching it because anyone that has been on the sideline of a football game knows there are a million things going on and it is easy to miss things.

Butch is gone. They are just waiting for the season to end and for ESPN/Gruden to work out an out for both parties involved.

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