Red dots below the stars


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
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What do the red dots below the stars signify on 247 Sports?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think it has to do with official visits taken maybe?

They signify a level of confidence of a recruits ranking on the composite. A recruit with 4 dots is basically a consensus in where he's ranked and one with 1 dot has a wide variance in his evaluation.

They signify a level of confidence of a recruits ranking on the composite. A recruit with 4 dots is basically a consensus in where he's ranked and one with 1 dot has a wide variance in his evaluation.


There are no Badger varmints in my household or Detleff Stein. That is for sure.

They signify a level of confidence of a recruits ranking on the composite. A recruit with 4 dots is basically a consensus in where he's ranked and one with 1 dot has a wide variance in his evaluation.

Close, but I don't think that's quite right. The composite is an avg of the rating from the 4 major sites (247, ESPN, rivals and scout). The 4 dots signify whether each of the services has rated the player. 3 dots means that 1 of the services hasn't rated him yet (probably ESPN, which is often lagging).

Screw stars. I want only 3 & 4 dot recruits from now on

Close, but I don't think that's quite right. The composite is an avg of the rating from the 4 major sites (247, ESPN, rivals and scout). The 4 dots signify whether each of the services has rated the player. 3 dots means that 1 of the services hasn't rated him yet (probably ESPN, which is often lagging).

That's possible. Though I see DeMarcus Williams received 3 dots and he apparently isn't ranked by ESPN and Scout.

It's the number of stars their ranking will change to if they commit to the Gophers. :cool:

It is quite interesting to me me that their are folks naive enough to believe that the not measurable can be quantified to significant figures.
I presume it is a bit of a hobby but to actually beleive in the truth of the stars , red dots etc done by folks who are only interested in collecting dollars from the gullible is pathetic.

It is quite interesting to me me that their are folks naive enough to believe that the not measurable can be quantified to significant figures.
I presume it is a bit of a hobby but to actually beleive in the truth of the stars , red dots etc done by folks who are only interested in collecting dollars from the gullible is pathetic.

Do you think they ought to have blue dots instead?

It is quite interesting to me me that their are folks naive enough to believe that the not measurable can be quantified to significant figures.
I presume it is a bit of a hobby but to actually beleive in the truth of the stars , red dots etc done by folks who are only interested in collecting dollars from the gullible is pathetic.

It has been proven time and again that recruiting rankings have correlations with team and individual success. It is inarguable. With regard to your last point, I have spent $0.00 on recruiting services.

Most things are arguable.
The speed of light is not.
But using recruiting rankings to reliably predict team or individual performance on a large scale are on a par with predicting the future by examining the viscera of a sacrificed pigeon.

It is quite interesting to me me that their are folks naive enough to believe that the not measurable can be quantified to significant figures.
I presume it is a bit of a hobby but to actually beleive in the truth of the stars , red dots etc done by folks who are only interested in collecting dollars from the gullible is pathetic.

What is naïve is those who think most people live and die with these ratings. A majority of fans use them as a guide and for fun. And as it has already been pointed out, you don't have to pay anything for the ratings.

The star system is flawed and subjective. The dot system is not.

It is quite interesting to me me that their are folks naive enough to believe that the not measurable can be quantified to significant figures.
I presume it is a bit of a hobby but to actually beleive in the truth of the stars , red dots etc done by folks who are only interested in collecting dollars from the gullible is pathetic.

Another dbag troll I am adding to my blocked list. Good day sir.

But using recruiting rankings to reliably predict team or individual performance on a large scale are on a par with predicting the future by examining the viscera of a sacrificed pigeon.

Incorrect. Educate yourself.

Most things are arguable.
The speed of light is not.
But using recruiting rankings to reliably predict team or individual performance on a large scale are on a par with predicting the future by examining the viscera of a sacrificed pigeon.

Yeah stars mean absolutely nothing. 2 and 3 star players on average have an equal impact at the college and NFL level as 4 and 5 star players, so why even pay attention to ratings?

Just kidding. You're an idiot.

Whoa, I have just realized that doubting dots and stars is unto denying the Virgin Birth and if captured the faithful dots and stars devotees will have me tied to the stake in preparation for barbq.

Whoa, I have just realized that doubting dots and stars is unto denying the Virgin Birth and if captured the faithful dots and stars devotees will have me tied to the stake in preparation for barbq.

No, it's just that you're denying basic statistical fact. Unless you want to look stupid, don't attempt to argue with facts, particularly when all you have is emotion and nothing else.

Whoa, I have just realized that doubting dots and stars is unto denying the Virgin Birth and if captured the faithful dots and stars devotees will have me tied to the stake in preparation for barbq.

I think it has more to do with you saying things that aren't true.

I think his point is that the evaluations are often way off, even if in aggregate there is a correlation with winning teams.

There is also a correlation between winning programs generally having coaches with a long track record of success, or at least a season or two of high achievement.. You won't find a Richard Pitino at Alabama. Many programs with top recruits suffer under programs with inexperienced or over-their-head head coaches. Many examples can be found. Conversely, many programs with mediocre recruits can outperform through a confluence of players that develop beyond expectations, and excellent coaching.

So, roughly half of 5 stars won't be drafted, an even larger percentage of 4 stars won't be drafted, while some 3 and 2 stars will be drafted. It's not a perfect science. It's about as dismal as economics, and probably moreso.

Whoa, I have just realized that doubting dots and stars is unto denying the Virgin Birth and if captured the faithful dots and stars devotees will have me tied to the stake in preparation for barbq.

Come on man. Lighten up a little.

All these rating systems are like handicapping horses. People have fun with them, and they give us something to talk about in GH land and elsewhere.

It makes college football more interesting. One team like tOSU, Bama, or LSU on a given year may be loaded with four and five stars and win an eventual national title while other like the Vols seem to flounder more often than not.

Then, there is last year's Gophers that have four players drafted albeit lower picks than the big guns.

Like someone has said, coaching and other factors come into play (like geography, cheating the system, etc...) other than player ratings. Overall, there is some credence to the ratings systems and the chance for success.

If we dig into the Gopherhole archives, there has been numerous discussions ad nauseam about star ratings and how it correlates to winning.

You have earned one yellow dot.

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