Recruits at the game


Active member
Mar 20, 2009
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I saw Joe Coleman on ESPN. Anyone else there?

Marcus tweeted that there were a ton of local recruits at the game. I'm too lazy to look up the list but basically every "big name" from Tyus Jones on up was there.

UWOle said earlier ..

Tubby had quite a few guys in tonight. The kids I recognized included Joe Coleman, Marcus Alipate, Tyus Jones, Riley Dearing and Marvin Singleton. Not certain, but I believe Ross Travis, Estan Tyler and big kid from Osseo (freshman?) were there too. Pretty good atmosphere to have some many kids in.

And in fairness, because I think UWOle was being ripped on in another thread, and has been nothing but class here ( as far as I've seen ) I have to ask the question .. did the Wisconsin folks think, for good reason, that the recruits were also there to watch Wisconsin?

UWOle is pure class and a great addition to GH.

Go Gophers!!

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