Recruits and Twitter (6 schools' recruits' tweets exposed)


Captain of Awesome
Nov 20, 2008
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For me, I think it's kids being kids. I realize it's incredibly stupid to have it displayed on a public forum, but I don't think that is that far off from how a lot of kids talk. If you're around 16-17 yr old guys, a lot of them do make jokes about homosexuals and say crude things about girls. It's not much different than how most people in that age group talk amongst their friends. The problem is that it's on a public forum and the HS kids don't seem to grasp that concept. It's the same reason why you see kids havign issues with sending dirty pics to eachother, for some reason, the HS kids see these forums as simply talking/hanging out with friends.

some pretty raunchy stuff. "youre a fag" and "youre gay" are the most original comebacks i have ever heard. im surprised people dont use it more often.

I agree, but these aren't grown men. I'd say it's a pretty standard comeback for someone in that age group. I'm not saying it's right, it just is.

It's kids being kids, but this is public forum and can't be undone. More bad than good comes from Twitter when it comes to the sports world.

some pretty raunchy stuff. "youre a fag" and "youre gay" are the most original comebacks i have ever heard. im surprised people dont use it more often.

Not only is it unoriginal, but it's as offensive as the 'n-word' or any other racial slur. They should be proud.

This is a plague that hits college players everywhere. Some accounts are just unbearable to follow.

This can't come as a surprise to anyone who is familiar with how 16-25 yr olds behave and interact on a daily basis, which is amplified when they are a star athlete, even more when they have a big ego.

The real issue lies with the stuff they decided not to post:

***Note from the Editor: This is obviously going to be a very controversial article. We decided to publish the middle ground of what we uncovered. For all 6 schools featured, we discovered evidence of gambling on football, drugs, alcohol on recruiting visits and mentions of improper recruiting benefits that we chose not to publish.***

Being an 18 year old on Facebook, I would say that this is all fairly common stuff, and mild compared to most of it.

Frankly, I'm just happy this stuff wasn't around when I was young and stupid. With some of the crap I pulled, I'd have likely posted something stupid about something illegal I did and found myself in jail and without a career.

Kids have been saying things like this for a long time. It's just 10+ years ago it was more within your group of friends and not open for anyone to see like it is now.

I never did anything wrong when I was growing up.

I'm far from perfect, but I'm smart enough not to tattle on myself when I partake in shenanigans.

I never did anything wrong when I was growing up.

Social Media was a little different back then, Sid's tape recorder was brand new and I bet if you did, you could still find it, after all it was written on stone tablets!!!

wink wink!!

Frankly, I'm just happy this stuff wasn't around when I was young and stupid. With some of the crap I pulled, I'd have likely posted something stupid about something illegal I did and found myself in jail and without a career.

You have a career?

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