Recap of Limegrover's interview on KFAN (4 questions on NFL Draft, 1 on Gophers)


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Wow, KFAN had Matt Limegrover on just now. They asked four questions about the draft and only one about the Spring Game. Here is a recap, not verbatim, but close. I chose not to recap the parts about Ohio State and Michigan State NFL Draft prospects.

Limegrover on Gray being drafted...Honestly, I have no idea on that. I certainly hope so. He's a fantastic young man and still has a lot of great football in him. I've been able to watch him and Ben do their TE workouts. I hope it pays off.

Limegrover on transition to TE...The big thing is the new evolution of the TE. Rather than a sixth offensive lineman, there are guys like Tony Gonzalez and I think Gray fits that. It's a matter of who's interested in taking that chance.

Limegrover on some DT from Ohio State (stupid question by Draft obsessed KFAN)...We haven't played Ohio State since we've been here. (editorial) Limegrover went on to talk more, but it wasn't worth recapping.

Limegrover on some other guy from Michigan State from the draft (stupid question by Draft obsessed KFAN)...
(editorial) again, not worth recapping.

Limegrover on Spring Game...It's a great time to split the guys up and for the guys to get the competitive juices flowing. We've built up a bit of friendly hatred this Spring. Coach Kill wants to make it fun for the kids and the fun. A chance to put an end on the Spring.

Go Gophers!!

Up next on KFAN - they'll have Gopher BB Coach Rich Pitino on to talk about the NBA playoffs.

Gophers should just stick to promoting the spring game and program in general on their flagship station.

Wow, KFAN had Matt Limegrover on just now. They asked four questions about the draft and only one about the Spring Game. Here is a recap, not verbatim, but close. I chose not to recap the parts about Ohio State and Michigan State NFL Draft prospects.

Limegrover on Gray being drafted...Honestly, I have no idea on that. I certainly hope so. He's a fantastic young man and still has a lot of great football in him. I've been able to watch him and Ben do their TE workouts. I hope it pays off.

Limegrover on transition to TE...The big thing is the new evolution of the TE. Rather than a sixth offensive lineman, there are guys like Tony Gonzalez and I think Gray fits that. It's a matter of who's interested in taking that chance.

Limegrover on some DT from Ohio State (stupid question by Draft obsessed KFAN)...We haven't played Ohio State since we've been here. (editorial) Limegrover went on to talk more, but it wasn't worth recapping.

Limegrover on some other guy from Michigan State from the draft (stupid question by Draft obsessed KFAN)...
(editorial) again, not worth recapping.

Limegrover on Spring Game...It's a great time to split the guys up and for the guys to get the competitive juices flowing. We've built up a bit of friendly hatred this Spring. Coach Kill wants to make it fun for the kids and the fun. A chance to put an end on the Spring.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for the summary.

Do you get the feeling that the only listeners KFAN has between 9 - noon, besides the "we hate EVERYTHING" crowd, are Gopher fans? So when nobody's calling in and the host has rolled-out a tired T-Wolves bit or talked about who the Vikings are going to take in the draft for the 237th time they go "Hey, let's see how many e-mails and posts we can get by d-bagging the Gophers?"

Yeah, me too and since there really aren't a whole bunch of Gophers fans period and even less that are as open-minded as you Bleed, that would also explain why their numbers keep sliding.

I heard him ask about the Ohio St kid. Was like wow PA do at least a little research before the interview. Would have taken two minutes to look at the schedule since Kill and staff got there and he would have discovered hey they have not played Ohio State since 2010.

Doofus PA did the same thing to the Twins Geek Aaron Gleeman when he was on

Instead of asking questions about the starting rotation for the Twins or any rookies who might get call-ups he kept asking
questions to a baseball guy about the NFL draft, questions about NFL draft prospects. Note to program director Joe,
if your going to have interviews on NFL draft day with the ADD Paul Allen voice of the Vikings, have someone else do the interviews for other sports. It's not a bit and it is not funny. PA was being disresepctful to Limegrover, and he
could care less about college sports and the Gophers he says it all the time, his deal is Vikings, Horse Racing, T-wolves,
anything NFL football,Wild talk with his crony Russo, a lot of NBA, then maybe he mixes in a little Twins talk when Lavelle or another Twins connected reporter is on. In about that order, you will never get anything good out of this guy on KFAN regarding Gopher football, in his world it is non-existent. Ther order is fairly correct. They should have had Justin Gaurd
ask the Limegrover questions and interview at least there would have been relevant topics then.

After reading this thread I don't believe the on air talent at KFAN graduated from the University of Minnesota or went to school there. For example, Paul Allen went to a community college in southern California, I am under the impression Dan Cole didn't go to college, and Dan Barrerio graduated from Indiana. Anybody know the back ground of the Power Trip morning show? I don't believe they went to the University of Minnesota either. I understand you don't have to go school at the univesity of Minnesota to have a connection but it sure helps. Many folks on Minnesota area radio stations went to Brown Inst.

After reading this thread I don't believe the on air talent at KFAN graduated from the University of Minnesota or went to school there. For example, Paul Allen went to a community college in southern California, I am under the impression Dan Cole didn't go to college, and Dan Barrerio graduated from Indiana. Anybody know the back ground of the Power Trip morning show? I don't believe they went to the University of Minnesota either. I understand you don't have to go school at the univesity of Minnesota to have a connection but it sure helps. Many folks on Minnesota area radio stations went to Brown Inst.

I think Cory Cove went to the U, as did Mark Rosen.

On the afternoon show, Justin Gaard transferred to the U from Iowa after his sophomore year.

I just think it's one bad radio station. Their numbers just stink. Yeah, they "top" the sports radio in the TC, but they barely stay ahead of "NewsTalk" and are getting whupped by MPR, WCCO and KTIS...KTIS.

I just think it's one bad radio station. Their numbers just stink. Yeah, they "top" the sports radio in the TC, but they barely stay ahead of "NewsTalk" and are getting whupped by MPR, WCCO and KTIS...KTIS.
I honestly used to listen to KFAN every single weekday from 9-5 or so. It got to the point where I just couldn't stand it anymore. The one show I still tune into from time to time is Bumper to Bumper. The funny thing is that when he was with PA and Dubay, I absolutely despised Justin Gaard. I didn't like it when they put him on Gophers coverage, but I've been thoroughly impressed with the job he's done. When the station actually commits resources to cover the Gophers, with people who actually know what they are talking bout, they do a great job. It's a shame those times are too few and far between.

We should all call in today and ask questions about the Spring Game, and listen to PA melt down as he basks in the glow of his 3 1st rounds from last night...

I honestly used to listen to KFAN every single weekday from 9-5 or so. It got to the point where I just couldn't stand it anymore. The one show I still tune into from time to time is Bumper to Bumper. The funny thing is that when he was with PA and Dubay, I absolutely despised Justin Gaard. I didn't like it when they put him on Gophers coverage, but I've been thoroughly impressed with the job he's done. When the station actually commits resources to cover the Gophers, with people who actually know what they are talking bout, they do a great job. It's a shame those times are too few and far between.

I've had the same transformative attitude towards Gaardsie. He's been a bright spot for Gopher coverage on KFAN since they've become the flagship radio station.

PA is unlistenable (except after Viking losses when he pouts - I'm not a Vikings fan, so that stuff is absolutely delicious). He always seems extremely underprepared for any guests not Viking related. I remember once when he asked Quincy Lewis some question, implying he was one of the players benched in wake of Clem's academic scandal. Q handled it well, and politely told PA he was NOT among those players. Well done PA. What a stooge.

Paul Allens sidekick Charcian wisecracked about Gopher football today

Between 09:30 to 10:AM today Charcian joked on the air " I'm sure people want to call in and talk Gopher football Spring game" on the day after the Vikings had three first round draft picks. We get it this show doesn't like Gophers football and likes to take pot shots at the Gophers football program. You would think that with KFAN also being the flagship station of the Gophers they would be less inclined to crack jokes about and make fun of Gopher football. Must have got
back to them we were complaining about yesterdays Limegrover interview for Charcian the fantasy football "NERD"
to crack on the Gophers. Get's under there skin when people want to talk Gopher football. Gopher rubes should start calling there show so they get more annoyed.

I honestly used to listen to KFAN every single weekday from 9-5 or so. It got to the point where I just couldn't stand it anymore. The one show I still tune into from time to time is Bumper to Bumper. The funny thing is that when he was with PA and Dubay, I absolutely despised Justin Gaard. I didn't like it when they put him on Gophers coverage, but I've been thoroughly impressed with the job he's done. When the station actually commits resources to cover the Gophers, with people who actually know what they are talking bout, they do a great job. It's a shame those times are too few and far between.

I still despise Gaardsy. He does an ok job with the Gophs and pretends to be a Gophers fan because that's his schtick with the station, but he is still an Iowa fan. It's relatively easy to tell. I hate the fact that they have an obvious Iowa fan covering the Gopher athletics.

The rest of the stations is garbage with Gopher coverage.

Every interview PA does with gopher people it always turns to something else other than gopher sports.. this is nothing new from basketball to football it does not matter.. Even when he has Kevin Lynch on he says we will talk gopher hoops from 11:30 to noon .. and he talk NBA the whole time.. then he goes 30 second left kevin what do u think of the gophers chances in the tournament...he is so bad alone with out dubay.

I'll give Paul Allen his props. He's ascended to the upper-tier of radio announcing with the Vikings' play-by-play job and that takes some doing. What I can't stand is--and I'm not laying this totally at Allen's feet--that pro franchises seem to demand that the flagship coverage be so sycophantic that it's almost comical. It's like critical thought goes out the window. Allen's show is Vikings wall-to-wall because that's where his paycheck is coming from and he's doing what the uber-rubes who listen to him want. And I don't think Dubay's presence helped because he is the king of uber-rubes.

As for Charchian, who gives a rat's rear what that clown says.

Where is IU's football coach when you need him?

What I can't stand is--and I'm not laying this totally at Allen's feet--that pro franchises seem to demand that the flagship coverage be so sycophantic that it's almost comical.

Not sure I buy this. I've not seen this in several other pro-towns (Chicago and Detroit, namely). PA takes sycophantism to a whole new level, because he is (or purports to be) "part of the extended Vikings family". He can't bear the idea that a player might not like what he has to say and then snub him for an interview or not answer one of his texts. I'm fairly certain the guy's entire will to live is based on being popular. If he got the cold shoulder from a bunch of players you might see him with a bullhorn on top of the Metrodome threatening to jump.

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