rebounding trouble?

Clark W. Griswold

Active member
Dec 7, 2010
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The gophers are averaging 42 rebounds a game but their opponents are averaging 38 per game. With the gophers size there should be more than a 4 rebound per game advantage. Why are we struggling to control the boards?

It's not an issue. Or at least, not one of our pressing issues.

Rebounding margin is a pretty straight forward stat, but it doesn't really tell the whole story. There are a lot of factors that go into it, including missed free throws.

Having watched almost every minute of Gopher hoops this year, the only thing that worries me (in regard to rebounding), is our second unit. As we get closer to an 8 man rotation, rebounding shouldn't be an issue.

Unicorn stats are awesome.

Rebounding margin has more to do with missed shots than anything else Now if you want to talk about offensive rebound percentage...

I have also watched just about every minute this year and it is my opinion that we are allowing too many second chance opportunities. Given the teams we have played, could this be a big problem once the conference schedule starts?

I have also watched just about every minute this year and it is my opinion that we are allowing too many second chance opportunities. Given the teams we have played, could this be a big problem once the conference schedule starts?

We can get better, but I think that for the most part we have been fine. The issue I have seen is that teams are shooting HUGE quantities of 3 point shots against us. In a lot of cases we have good inside position and the 3 point shot caroms off long. I doubt most Big ten teams will shoot as many threes as some of these teams have shot- I am hopeful that we will start to make it more difficult to shoot open threes- the bigger issue in my view.


For the most part the times I have been fustrated with rebounding has been occasionally with the second unit, ie when Trevor isn't out there or when long 3's are missing and bouncing out hard.

Part of this is our defensive scheme, part is our lack of quickness on the perimeter, and the last few games not having Nolen.

I'd say right now our weaknesses arent rebounding:
1. Perimeter defense
2. turnovers
3. feeding the post
4. Perimeter shooting. I'd love to see Hollins start and put up more shots. Right now we have HOff, and Joseph should get more consistent. What does Rodney do for us starting? I'd send him to the bench and maybe it would make him more aggressive when he comes in.

Unicorn stats are awesome.

Rebounding margin has more to do with missed shots than anything else Now if you want to talk about offensive rebound percentage...

1. What does
Unicorn stats are awesome.
mean? I really like the sound of it.

2. Agreed. Gophers are grabbing 38.5% of their own misses which is very good, but only 67.9% of their opponents misses which is about average.

We can get better, but I think that for the most part we have been fine. The issue I have seen is that teams are shooting HUGE quantities of 3 point shots against us. In a lot of cases we have good inside position and the 3 point shot caroms off long. I doubt most Big ten teams will shoot as many threes as some of these teams have shot- I am hopeful that we will start to make it more difficult to shoot open threes- the bigger issue in my view.

I agree with this statement regarding shot distance but would add, our guards in general aren't strong rebounders or perimeter defenders. The point on all of our missed free throws inflating opponents rebound numbers seem valid. With all that being said, Trevor is still our only real strong rebounder. RIII, CI & Mo are "area rebounders" with TM being a guy who can go get it regardless of where it lands.

Rebounding is not a huge issue overall, imo.

1. What does mean? I really like the sound of it.

2. Agreed. Gophers are grabbing 38.5% of their own misses which is very good, but only 67.9% of their opponents misses which is about average.

Unicorn stats = mythical stats that don't actually impact the outcome of a game

In the world of rebounding margin unicorn stats, it would be better if the Gophers outrebounded their opponent 40-30, even if the Gophers had 10 offensive rebounds and 30 defensive rebounds while giving up 20 offensive rebounds and 10 defensive rebounds

Unicorn stats are awesome.

Rebounding margin has more to do with missed shots than anything else Now if you want to talk about offensive rebound percentage...

Why is it that talking heads on ESPN fail to realize this fact? Why do you think Michigan State leads the BT in rebounding almost every year? It's not because they are the best at boxing out under the basket - it's because they force the other team into taking more tough shots than any other team - leading to a higher percentage of missed shots.

And it's not just missed shots that affect rebounding. Turnovers and blocked shots play a role too. Michigan State's negative turnover ratio of -1.54 in 2009-2010, and their 8th place ranking in blocked shots actually helps them even further win the rebounding battle. Since they have less shots per possession than their opponents, and because defensive rebounds are more likely than offensive rebounds, inherently a negative turnover ratio and a low number of blocked shots relative to your opponents helps your rebounding margin.

Combine all that with offensively the 2nd highest FG shooting % (less rebound chances given to your opponent) and you can easily see why boxing out and being physical under the hoop is well down the list of reasons why a team has a + rebounding margin


I'd say right now our weaknesses arent rebounding:
1. Free Throws
2. Free Throws
3. Perimeter defense
4. turnovers
5. feeding the post
6. Perimeter shooting.

Just made an adjustment...anything that starts with FREE should be done well!

I'll agreed with FBT and say rebounding margin is not that important. Yeah, its great if you out rebound your opponent 60-40 but if you missed 15 lay ups and that contributed to it, then you probably lost that game. It is important to get on the glass and not give up second chance points but that starts with forcing teams to miss shots and take tough shots. The Gophers havent done that yet (e.g. Virginia, Cornell, Stommes from EKU) and once they lock down those guys they will be very hard to beat.

I guess I picked the wrong stat to display my point. I just think that they should have been more dominant on the boards given the teams that they played. I hope you guys are right and this is not an issue, but when the big ten games start our rebounding must improve or we will be on the bubble.

Free Throws
Free Throws
Free Throws
Free Throws
Free Throws
Free Throws

theyre going to start fouling us like no one's business because they know we cant make anything

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