Reading the WMU Fan Forum.....

Nov 20, 2008
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Most think the firestorm with the President and AD will make P.J. backoff. Others believe for Fleck to leave it would have to be a 10 year / 30 plus million contract. I don't see the U doing that. From what I read more than half think he will either stay, or hold out for a better fit .

But, is the WMU Fan Forum as in touch and accurate as GopherHole?

Fleck will get minimum 7 years if his agent if any good.

Most think the firestorm with the President and AD will make P.J. backoff. Others believe for Fleck to leave it would have to be a 10 year / 30 plus million contract. I don't see the U doing that. From what I read more than half think he will either stay, or hold out for a better fit .

Went over and looked at that too. I think they were saying they've heard there could be a 10yr/$30M deal to keep him at WMU. If they want to give him that they can have him. And yes, most seem to think he will stay.

Went over and looked at that too. I think they were saying they've heard there could be a 10yr/$30M deal to keep him at WMU. If they want to give him that they can have him. And yes, most seem to think he will stay.

I'm not sure length and price matters as much as what the buyout either way is.

Most think the firestorm with the President and AD will make P.J. backoff. Others believe for Fleck to leave it would have to be a 10 year / 30 plus million contract. I don't see the U doing that. From what I read more than half think he will either stay, or hold out for a better fit .

That's been my take too. In the spirit of an old Kill statement, the only reason our next coach ends up here is because nobody else wanted the job. I think we're really forgetting how ugly we look. No prince will want to date us, IMHO.

I'm not sure length and price matters as much as what the buyout either way is.

I guess the buyout matters, but what's the point of giving him a contract like that if it has a cheap buyout on his end? I was assuming the buyout for both sides would be hefty. In my mind a 10yr/$30M contract that doesn't have a hefty buyout isn't really a 10yr/$30M contract.

They're starting to talk smack about Minnesota. Probably a good sign that they think deep down he is gonna be here. Said something about how you could never have a team at MN as good as they had this year.

They're starting to talk smack about Minnesota. Probably a good sign that they think deep down he is gonna be here. Said something about how you could never have a team at MN as good as they had this year.

I think the outside world has better insight to Minnesota than Gopherhole has. This place is a pariah. No "name" coach is coming here.

I think the outside world has better insight to Minnesota than Gopherhole has. This place is a pariah. No "name" coach is coming here.

The comment you responded to made no reference to coaching whatsoever. Can somebody get this guy a beer?

I think the outside world has better insight to Minnesota than Gopherhole has. This place is a pariah. No "name" coach is coming here.

How are we a pariah? We jettisoned what for all intents and purposes was an interim coach most people didn't want because he couldn't understand the seriousness of the actions of some of his players and then disobey his bosses. Kaler and Coyle are on the same page and that and the contract is what will bring a coach here regardless of what happened to the previous one. Also, word is most of the current and former assistants are hoping to stay. Sounds like this is a good place to me when someone who just got fired hopes to be rehired.

I guess the buyout matters, but what's the point of giving him a contract like that if it has a cheap buyout on his end? I was assuming the buyout for both sides would be hefty. In my mind a 10yr/$30M contract that doesn't have a hefty buyout isn't really a 10yr/$30M contract.

No doubt. I'm just saying the buyout either way is what is key to how mobile he is or isn't.

That's been my take too. In the spirit of an old Kill statement, the only reason our next coach ends up here is because nobody else wanted the job. I think we're really forgetting how ugly we look. No prince will want to date us, IMHO.

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How are we a pariah? We jettisoned what for all intents and purposes was an interim coach most people didn't want because he couldn't understand the seriousness of the actions of some of his players and then disobey his bosses. Kaler and Coyle are on the same page and that and the contract is what will bring a coach here regardless of what happened to the previous one. Also, word is most of the current and former assistants are hoping to stay. Sounds like this is a good place to me when someone who just got fired hopes to be rehired.

Are you new to Minnesota sports? Have you not been here for the last 4 or 5 coaching hires? Or you just deluding yourself?

Maybe Coyle is the truth messiah as he proclaimed and can sell the U like no man before him...history says otherwise.

And of course Coyle didn't do himself any favors by blasting the staff on the way out the door just to make himself look better. I would have had some respect for the guy if just would have said "we are going in a new direction" and took responsibility for his decision instead of claiming Kill/Claeys have systemic integrity and accountibility problem which isn't true.

It remains easy to see an active candidate taking into consideration coach Claeys' firing, along with the PC witch-hunt that fueled it. Minnesota is going to carry with it a stigma for a quite a while - leading to drastic overpaying for coaches, or resorting to hiring less desirables.

It remains easy to see an active candidate taking into consideration coach Claeys' firing, along with the PC witch-hunt that fueled it. Minnesota is going to carry with it a stigma for a quite a while - leading to drastic overpaying for coaches, or resorting to hiring less desirables.

I say we do both.

I think the outside world has better insight to Minnesota than Gopherhole has. This place is a pariah. No "name" coach is coming here.

Really? This is a rarely available situation where a good P5 team needs to replace a coach after going 9-4. The U has a valuable seat at the table in one of the two biggest deal, highest revenue conferences in the game, yet also might have the easiest division in P5 football. Awesome new facilities are on the way. It's not an ultra pressure cooker of a job, and there's little distance to travel to be considered great by our standards. Next year, finish/stop a few drives against teams slightly better than you now and you can be a hero.

The guy coming in can brand himself as cleaning up the mess, restoring integrity, draining the swamp...whatever. That might not be fair to TC or the previous staff, but the new guy can keep himself out of the scandal really easy. All he needs to do is deal with any formal suspension fallout and keep the roster together. All new coaches need to pull together a situation in some disarray.

How cute - from the Western Michigan site: "Over 200 browsing this board at moment."

Most of those are probably our fans from this thread link.

In comparison, we have over 3,600 browsing ours.

Go Gophers!!

How cute - from the Western Michigan site: "Over 200 browsing this board at moment."

Most of those are probably our fans from this thread link.

In comparison, we have over 3,600 browsing ours.

Go Gophers!!

I can't imagine 3600 are even browsing...

I heard from a reliable source that McKinley Boston and Clem Haskins are negotiating his contract for him including the buyout clause, Brewster will be his PR guy and Glen Mason will be his "half-time game adjustment coordinator".

They're starting to talk smack about Minnesota. Probably a good sign that they think deep down he is gonna be here. Said something about how you could never have a team at MN as good as they had this year.

Are they on our schedule anytime soon?

Their fan forum was getting a little depressing, I kinda feel bad

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