RE: Nebraska Fans - Those people were hayseeds


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Jul 22, 2009
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RE: Nebraska Fans - Those people were hayseeds

I found the NE fans to be more similar to professional football fans than college football fans.
1st time I have seen behavior get visiting fans tossed.

To be honest, Nebraska fans were IMO pretty cordial considering the amount of people there and how easily they knew they were going to spank us. Far better sportsmanship than the likes of Wisconsin, Iowa, OSU fans etc. They actually cheered for the band and I actually saw them clap to the Rouser, Minn March etc for some reason on multiple occasions. And seeing a couple people get thrown out of a game doesn't say much, if not anything, for the whole fan base.

Nebraska fans applaud the visiting team at home games.

How many places do that?

Possibly the best fans in college football.

My experience with the Nebraska fans in our section was 80% positive. Much better than any other fanbase I have dealt with at the Bank so far. The only ones who were bad were the young punks who had too much to drink.

The best part was all of the Nebraska fans I talked to went out of their way to discuss how awful their experience was in Madison. They all said the used to respect Wisconsin, but now all hate them because of how they were treated in Madison. Does not sound much different than my experiences in Madison. Complete arrogant and loudmouth bunch.

There was an OSU jerk that got kicked out last year due to his behavior. Like any fanbase, there's going to be a bunch of bad apples. Most accounts are that the Nebraska fans were pretty decent.

The Nebraska fans were very polite around us, almost to the point of being nonexistent. They rarely yelled or cheered for their team and seemed to enjoy time out antics, applauded the band/indoor track team. Made me think about going to Lincoln next year.

We had an all around positive experience. We had some NE fans playing flip cup with us before the game, there were some hot females next to us, and the fans that came down to our row to take pictures during the 3rd and 4th quarter were pleasant to talk to. I did have an issue with the lady down the row from us that was complaining about not getting a Pass Interference call during a run in the 3rd quarter, but I guess not everyone understands the game.

They were the classiest fans I've ever witnessed in person. I guess I was expecting scUM, Wisky and/or Iowa-like fans and totally was surprised.

Since I'm a poster at, I told them boys earlier this season that I planned on making a trip out to Lincoln next year. After posting my feelings on the game and the visiting fans this Saturday, I was offered a spot at their tailgate and 2 tickets by BigRedMax (the owner).

You don't get classier than that.

I spend a huge amount time in close proximity to Nebraska fans before the game, during the game, and after the game. My experience was 100% positive. They were polite and friendly without exception.

I was in Madison for the NE WI game and spoke to NE fans and admired their drive to wear black outfits to stand out on the TV/internet. those folks seemed fine and I am glad to hear that others had good experiences. . let's allow NE fans more than 3 BT games before we give them the classy fan crown.

I was in Madison for the NE WI game and spoke to NE fans and admired their drive to wear black outfits to stand out on the TV/internet. those folks seemed fine and I am glad to hear that others had good experiences. . let's allow NE fans more than 3 BT games before we give them the classy fan crown.

Just calling it how I see it. No doubt there are going to be assclown fans. But from my experience (and my wife and baby sister can attest to this) that we ran into a big group of Gopher fans acting like huge *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#bags and zero Husker fans who gave us any crap what so ever. Hell, we were almost stopped 3 times in the parking lot between where I parked and where the buses picked us up because of friendly chatting between us and Husker fans.

Lets allow UNL fans more than 3 B1G games before we give them the hayseed crown.


My experience with the Husker fans was totally positive. Their conduct was vastly better than many of the Badger and Hawkeye
fans I have seen in the past several decades.

I would take Nebraska fans 100% of the time. Great addition to the Bigwhatever, IMHO

To be honest, Nebraska fans were IMO pretty cordial considering the amount of people there and how easily they knew they were going to spank us. Far better sportsmanship than the likes of Wisconsin, Iowa, OSU fans etc. They actually cheered for the band and I actually saw them clap to the Rouser, Minn March etc for some reason on multiple occasions. And seeing a couple people get thrown out of a game doesn't say much, if not anything, for the whole fan base.


I sat in two areas due to refusal to scalp extra tickets and both groups were very good fans!

I tried to ask a younger fan about the potential vertical corn cob trophy, and he thought I was trying to rip Nebraska, so he retorted that the Axe was a "good trophy?". At that point I just stopped and said don't let them (Iowa) stick you with a horrible trophy.

All in all, I thought they were very good fans.

Awesome fans. The girls were very friendly and a few guys mostly ripped their own qb

Sorry to anyone who may have had a negative experience with a Nebraska fan. When you're at an event with almost 50,000, there's bound to be a handful of drunken idiots - or even sober idiots - who reflect poorly on your team and fans. However, for the most part, I like to think that the Nebraska fan base is better than most.

I thought the NE fans were great! Class bunch.

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They were the classiest fans I've ever witnessed in person. I guess I was expecting scUM, Wisky and/or Iowa-like fans and totally was surprised.

Since I'm a poster at, I told them boys earlier this season that I planned on making a trip out to Lincoln next year. After posting my feelings on the game and the visiting fans this Saturday, I was offered a spot at their tailgate and 2 tickets by BigRedMax (the owner).

You don't get classier than that.

Formo...I should have set something up with you to get together at the game. Any fan that posts on the opposing teams board (and pays to do it) with the class that you do, deserves a beverage or three.

David Max is a good friend of mine and his seats are very good. I have shared those seats with him in the past. Be sure to visit the tailgate and be welcomed by all the Husker fans.

Also, if you get to Lincoln for the game, be sure to visit the Single Barrel, (home of the Sidetrack Band). This is where I hang out. My buddies and I always buy a pitcher of beer for the visiting teams fans that come in. We'll do the same for you. Be ready to sing your fight song with any other Gopher fans and the band...lots of fun there!

My experience at TCF was very good. I took my son to his first away Husker game (we've been to several in Lincoln and a couple of bowl games), and not once did I have a situation to steer clear of. As mentioned, the stadium was very nice and I especially liked the track team being recognized (I am a good friend of the pole vault coach for the U).

Good luck the rest of the way. As you know, I listen to KFAN everyday and at times am disappointed at the amount of venom spewed towards the Gopher team, especially at Coach Kill. Personally, I think he is a great hire and will, if given the time and support, turn the team into something all can be proud of. Give the Hawkeye all you got and keep Floyd for another year.

Go Big Red and Go Gophers!

The worst Nebraska fan experience I had was the woman sitting in front of us who kept giving us dirty looks and ripping on the Gophers...when I called her on mocking a heavily overmatched opponent, it she pulled the hood of her Gopher sweatshirt out from under the Nebraska jacket and said she could say whatever she wanted about them b/c she's a MN fan. Which says a lot more bad about us than about the Huskers.

Any fan that posts on the opposing teams board (and pays to do it) with the class that you do, deserves a beverage or three.

Don't start giving him too much credit. I believe he got a free subscription to the site while they were looking for some flavor from the other B10 schools and were taking volunteers.

As you know, I listen to KFAN everyday...

Dang...most of the Husker fans I know are bright enough to steer away from that crap-hole.

Now before you try to jump down my throat, I want to tell you that I married a Husker who was born and bred in Lincoln, and I'm down there about twice each year. My house was rotten with friends from Lincoln from Thursday - Sunday. I have had nothing but great experiences with my time and friends from Nebraska (except the drive to Red Cloud).

They took the crap too seriously, but were decent fans overall. A couple of drunks making an ass of themselves...just like any other fanbase (including our beloved U of M).

Just echoing what others have said, I have no complants with Husker fans. They were a friendly, a little older than the average fanbase. They kind of reminded me of Iowa fans (in their demographics) but with more class.

Of course you come across some idiots, but I come across idiots who are Gopher fans at every game.

Additionally, there aren't any reports of them sodomizing our farm animals or "breaking in" our bathrooms, so they look like perfectly behaved angels next to our biggest rivals.

They took the crap too seriously, but were decent fans overall. A couple of drunks making an ass of themselves...just like any other fanbase (including our beloved U of M).

As a guy who who has 2,000 plus posts on a message board for a college football team that hasn't even been in a game in a month, I can respect a fan taking it too seriously.

As a guy who who has 2,000 plus posts on a message board for a college football team that hasn't even been in a game in a month, I can respect a fan taking it too seriously.

I'm talking about screaming obscenities at players when they are up 34-0. Anyone who knows Husker fans knows that they love their Husker football, but getting enraged in a clear blowout seemed over the top for me. Just enjoy the easy win.

The Nebraska fans around me were also generally well-behaved, and lacking in energy, as befitting a game that neither side believed would be a real contest, much like Wisconsin fans would be at an Iowa State game. But get those Badger fans at a real game or against a real rival, and the behavior would be much different, just like the behavior from the Minnesota fans would be much different if there were Wisconsin or Iowa fans near by.

Formo...I should have set something up with you to get together at the game. Any fan that posts on the opposing teams board (and pays to do it) with the class that you do, deserves a beverage or three.

It's no big deal. As Unregistered User stated, Max hooked me up with a free year subscription. Just another class notch on the ol' belt for UNL fans.

David Max is a good friend of mine and his seats are very good. I have shared those seats with him in the past. Be sure to visit the tailgate and be welcomed by all the Husker fans.

Also, if you get to Lincoln for the game, be sure to visit the Single Barrel, (home of the Sidetrack Band). This is where I hang out. My buddies and I always buy a pitcher of beer for the visiting teams fans that come in. We'll do the same for you. Be ready to sing your fight song with any other Gopher fans and the band...lots of fun there!

My experience at TCF was very good. I took my son to his first away Husker game (we've been to several in Lincoln and a couple of bowl games), and not once did I have a situation to steer clear of. As mentioned, the stadium was very nice and I especially liked the track team being recognized (I am a good friend of the pole vault coach for the U).

Good luck the rest of the way. As you know, I listen to KFAN everyday and at times am disappointed at the amount of venom spewed towards the Gopher team, especially at Coach Kill. Personally, I think he is a great hire and will, if given the time and support, turn the team into something all can be proud of. Give the Hawkeye all you got and keep Floyd for another year.

Go Big Red and Go Gophers!

Yeah, regardless of Dave's ticket offer I plan on hitting up Lincoln next year. And will make sure to make a stop at the HM tailgate!

As far as KFAN, I still occasionally listen to it and they haven't been as bad as I'd thought they would be. But it's just the nature of the beast when it comes to the Gophers in this town.

Do you guys realize how much opposing fans behavior/gameday experience is affected by the game itself? If the program wasn't a complete joke, Nebraska fans wouldn't be in such great spirits sitting in our stadium, with everybody getting along just great. I hope their comes a time when it's not such a pleasant time to take in a game on the road as it is for every other B10 team that comes to TCF right now.

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