Random question about walk-ons/scholarships


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Aug 31, 2010
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If a student is on academic scholarship at a school, and he decides to walk-on to the football team, is he allowed to maintain that scholarship? Or must it be revoked?

If a student is on academic scholarship at a school, and he decides to walk-on to the football team, is he allowed to maintain that scholarship? Or must it be revoked?

I think (no link, no source other than a previous convo with a HS teammate who faced a situation like this) that they can't combine athletic and academic aid but that a walk-on can get just academic (merit based) aid. But, I am also only like 70% sure of this b/c I can see rules against it to keep academic scholarships from being misused.

I don't think they can be, otherwise some students would get an academic scholarship to avoid using an athletic one. Likewise, if a track/baseball/whatever athlete "walks on" to the football team, if they are a significant contributor (not sure what the cut off is) they have to be on football scholarship. Or at the very least give up their scholarship, again to avoid giving a track schollie to a football player.

There was a walk on a few years ago that had to decide between football and an academic scholarship, which was around 10k per year. I am guessing there is a limit on the amount of the academic scholarship.

I think (no link, no source other than a previous convo with a HS teammate who faced a situation like this) that they can't combine athletic and academic aid but that a walk-on can get just academic (merit based) aid. But, I am also only like 70% sure of this b/c I can see rules against it to keep academic scholarships from being misused.

It isn't applicable to football because all scholarships are full, but I am almost certain that kids participating in other sports (wrestling, baseball, track) where the scholarships aren't full rides can still get academic scholarships. I do hear what you're saying about an opportunity for misuse, but I am pretty certain a walk-on can use a scholarship.

It isn't applicable to football because all scholarships are full, but I am almost certain that kids participating in other sports (wrestling, baseball, track) where the scholarships aren't full rides can still get academic scholarships. I do hear what you're saying about an opportunity for misuse, but I am pretty certain a walk-on can use a scholarship.

Correct. I've got a family friend that played Division I soccer, and he got 14K each the first two years and 24K each the next two years with academic money thrown in.

It isn't applicable to football because all scholarships are full, but I am almost certain that kids participating in other sports (wrestling, baseball, track) where the scholarships aren't full rides can still get academic scholarships.

Yea, my HS bball teammate was looking at a track scholly/academic scholly issue at the U when we were in HS. Should have clarified.

A student-athlete shall not be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics if he or she receives financial aid that
exceeds the value of the cost of attendance as defined in Bylaw 15.02.2. A student-athlete may receive institutional
financial aid based on athletics ability (per Bylaw, outside financial aid for which athletics participation
is a major criterion (per Bylaw and educational expenses awarded per Bylaw up to the value of a
full grant-in-aid, plus any other financial aid unrelated to athletics ability up to the cost of attendance. (See Bylaw,, 16.3, 16.4 and 16.12.) (Revised: 4/29/04 effective 8/1/04, 5/26/09)


If a student is on academic scholarship at a school, and he decides to walk-on to the football team, is he allowed to maintain that scholarship? Or must it be revoked?

Yes he can walk on no matter what and still have to scholarship for academics, if he eventually gets a scholarship from the football team they can just drop that one and get the athletic scholarship

Yes he can walk on no matter what and still have to scholarship for academics, if he eventually gets a scholarship from the football team they can just drop that one and get the athletic scholarship

It just sounds like a perfect recipe for a loophole. Kid has OK academics but is on the fence of having a football scholarship. Said kid applies to school and "just so happens" to get a full ride academic scholarship, then walks on. The team doesn't spend a scholly while the recruit effectively, still pays nothing. Hence my question

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