Rand: A Gophers win in 2 of last 3 would truly make this season a success


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Rand:

The glass is half empty segment of Gophers football fandom will point to some narrow home victories over inferior opponents and narrow defeats against Penn State and Iowa, but here’s the reality:

Minnesota is 6-2 after three consecutive Big Ten wins — two of them on the road, with both of those victories coming by at least 21 points. A home game against Purdue will offer a great chance to push that streak to four games next week.

After that, there are three conference games left: Nebraska, Northwestern and Wisconsin. Victories in all three of those games would guarantee the Gophers at least a share of the Big Ten West title. And wins in two of those three would make this a truly successful season.


Go Gophers!!

That would not only be a success, it would be historic. That would put us at 6-3 in the conference (a winning percentage of .667); the last time we had that kind of conference record was the 1973 squad who went 6-2 in the conference and 7-4 overall with 3 of those losses coming against #2 Nebraska, #3 Ohio State & #4 Michigan.

I'm not sure I can dream that big.

Geeze... Rand is really going out on a limb....

It all comes down to expectations. Some people set their expectations higher for this season, based on the proposition that the Gophers had a more talented team, and a less difficult schedule. This was the contingent that was predicting 9+ wins (and some saying that anything less than 9 wins would be considered a disappointment.

Other people set their expectations based on historical data - at least the last 50 years or so of historical data - and predicted a 6-7-or maybe 8 win season, based on the theory that the Gophers are at that level as a program - slightly better than .500, but not at the level of the better programs in the conference.

If you were predicting or expecting at least 9 wins, then a 7-5 or 8-4 record could be considered a disappointment. But, if you're in the camp that says "The Gophers will win 6 or 7 games - maybe 8 games, because that's what they always do," then you will neither be surprised or disappointed.

It all comes down to expectations. Some people set their expectations higher for this season, based on the proposition that the Gophers had a more talented team, and a less difficult schedule. This was the contingent that was predicting 9+ wins (and some saying that anything less than 9 wins would be considered a disappointment.

Other people set their expectations based on historical data - at least the last 50 years or so of historical data - and predicted a 6-7-or maybe 8 win season, based on the theory that the Gophers are at that level as a program - slightly better than .500, but not at the level of the better programs in the conference.

If you were predicting or expecting at least 9 wins, then a 7-5 or 8-4 record could be considered a disappointment. But, if you're in the camp that says "The Gophers will win 6 or 7 games - maybe 8 games, because that's what they always do," then you will neither be surprised or disappointed.

Why does our history have to limit us? Wisconsin broke out of its long-term mediocrity. Iowa did so before that. There are teams in other conferences that have done so. But during a season in which we have the easiest schedule we'll ever have, we have to expect seven or eight wins?

It all comes down to expectations. Some people set their expectations higher for this season, based on the proposition that the Gophers had a more talented team, and a less difficult schedule. This was the contingent that was predicting 9+ wins (and some saying that anything less than 9 wins would be considered a disappointment.

Other people set their expectations based on historical data - at least the last 50 years or so of historical data - and predicted a 6-7-or maybe 8 win season, based on the theory that the Gophers are at that level as a program - slightly better than .500, but not at the level of the better programs in the conference.

If you were predicting or expecting at least 9 wins, then a 7-5 or 8-4 record could be considered a disappointment. But, if you're in the camp that says "The Gophers will win 6 or 7 games - maybe 8 games, because that's what they always do," then you will neither be surprised or disappointed.

dude dont kill yourself you have so much to live for

I think everybody would be thrilled to win two more games. ...

in addition to the win over Purdue on Saturday.

8-4 would be an "OK" season, not great given the favorable schedule, but not a disaster, either. No reasonable person should be disappointed if the Gophers finish 9-3.

Until we beat Wisconsin, it will be a disappointment. Get the Axe!

Why does our history have to limit us? Wisconsin broke out of its long-term mediocrity. Iowa did so before that. There are teams in other conferences that have done so. But during a season in which we have the easiest schedule we'll ever have, we have to expect seven or eight wins?

Agree that anyone that is ok with just 7 wins with the schedule we have this year is setting the bar really really low. I understand it is never going to be easy in the Big Ten and no games are gimmes but if we want to be viewed as a contender and not an also ran then the expectation has to be higher then just beating the bad teams. For me the bar was set at 8 coming into the season as a minimum level and 9-10 to really see it as a successful year.

The opportunities were there to be sitting at 8-0 or 7-1 right now. Given what we have left on the schedule I think we need to beat Purdue and Northwestern to feel pretty good about the way the regular season played out. Add in a win over Wisconsin or Nebraska and then we should feel really good with the wins and really frustrated with the missed opportunities against PSU and Iowa.

8 wins is a successful season; 9-10 wins makes it a great season. Very little talk in the local media last year about how difficult a schedule the Gophers played- "win the games, no excuses". Now that we are benefitting from a softer schedule, the media loves to talk about our schedule strength. "Won that game, who cares, your schedule is weak". They can't have it both ways. It is wins and losses. Beat Purdue and win one of the last 3, we have 8 wins and go to a quality bowl. Period.

I think everybody would be thrilled to win two more games.

I think 2 more should be the expectation- Purdue and jNW, since we play the Wildcats at home (Sargarin has it as a toss-up). If we beat Neb or Wis, then I'd be thrilled.

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