Quick Question about Royce



This might be known by most but I cannot seem to find it anywhere. He graduated from Hopkins and went to Delasale, but where is he from. What part of Minneapolis is he from? North, South? Thanks in advance.

The court documents for what I believe is the MOA trial indicate his present address is in Woodbury. Don't know where he grew-up. Is his father around? I hear about his grandfather working with him, don't hear about a dad.

In light of things, it might provide some understanding of who he is.
Just out of curiosity, in what way? If he's from the 'burbs, how would it be different than if he was from the city, or vice versa?

Maybe there is a feng shui element we are not considering. I'd like to see where he is going with the question.


I think it was in The Boys of Winter I read that Herb Brooks told Jack O'Callahan that he sometimes wished that he'd raised his kids in the city like O'Callahan was because of the edge and toughness it gave him. I'm not a product of the burbs.

Yeah I think Herb might have been big on that. I can recall once when he was doing color for the state tournament, he remarked about a team being from the "city". His implication was that they were grittier because of it. Then again he was from St. Paul Johnson and that's where his heart was. Of course I also remember him telling a Swede or a Norwegian he was going to "shove that Koho down his throat" during the Olympics.

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