Quick Lane Bowl Game Player Swag: JBL headphones, $200 gift card to BBY, + more

How many ladies would pay for a life-sized decal of Pete Mortell? Am I right Gopherlady?

How many ladies would pay for a life-sized decal of Pete Mortell? Am I right Gopherlady?

I'm thinking the specialists will probably figure out a way to have some fun on Twitter with the decals...just a hunch.

CBS ranks Quick Lane Bowl swag as second best player gifts in all of the bowls:

2. Quick Lane Bowl: This Detroit-based bowl doesn't always win the hearts of players based on its location, but no one is complaining about JBL headphones, a $200 Best Buy gift card and a custom life-sized decal for each player with his likeness. Since it's complimentary, I guess it's not a violation!


Go Gophers!!

Instead of giving stuff to the players who are already going to be there they should have a gift bag for people traveling there for the game

Instead of giving stuff to the players who are already going to be there they should have a gift bag for people traveling there for the game

You have a lot of bad ideas, but this is a new standard. The players earned the trip and deserve the spoils. You did nothing to contribute to them getting to a bowl game - why would you deserve anything?

My conversation with the Specialists

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