Quick FYI: Toledo @ Northern Illinois on ESPN2 right now. Always enjoy watching NIU


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Apr 13, 2011
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Just a friendly FYI. Personally, I always enjoy watching Coach Kill and staff's former teams. Whenever our Gophers aren't on at the same time and I come across a NIU game I always seem to find myself stopping to watch them play and how they operate. Understand Kill and staff haven't been there for a few years now, but still feel like I can glean some stuff from watching the Huskies play and their approach.

MAC games always look so dark and dank with their stadium lighting on TV. Most games are Snoozeville.

Northern Illinois playing Ohio University right now on ESPNU if anyone cares. Likely not, but just a friendly heads up either way. As I noted in the OP of this thread I like to catch Northern Illinois' games on TV when the Gophers aren't playing to hopefully better understand some of the types of foundations Coach Kill and staff may be trying to lay down here in Minnesota.

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