Joel Pryzbilla, Darius Lane the year after Khalid. 99 had Nick Horvath, Jyrbian Ike, Ben Johnson and a Jacobson who went to Utah I believe or New Mexico. 2000 had Adam Boone, 2001 Rick Rickert and Joe Mauer. I assume John Thomas and maybe Chad Kohlander were big recruits. However El-Amin and Sam were the two biggest recruits in the last 20 years as everyone would go watch these two.
My dad was a big time high school official so every year in grade school he would drive us up from Winona to watch the games wether he was reffing or not. The St Paul Civic Center was a fun place to watch the games. Khalid El-amin, Jabbar Washington and Ozzie Lockhart's Minneapolis North won three in a row. The first two were in the sweet 16 where class A and class AA played for one state title. The first year North played Staples Motley a class A school and they only beat them by a point. Blaine Joegger for Staples had 100 points in over four games. I know Rochester Lourdes girls had a dynasty in the 90's I believe but as far as other great boys team I'm not sure.
I assume AAU picked up in the 90's however around the turn of the century since they started rating players with the internet age AAU is where the kids get scholarships.