Question on # of recruits we are allowed this year


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Nov 12, 2008
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I see we have 24 committed and I'm sure we are holding a spot ofr Henderson. Where does that put us???

I heard Brew on the radio a couple months back say they are planning on 26-28 recruits this year. I do not know if this includes Searcy and Campion, and I don't know how this is affected by January enrollees.

Face value, though, it looks like we still have 2-4 spots to fill.

The consensus number being tossed around seems to be 26. It jives with the simple math of it all, and so it might just be that. But there are finer points that can interfere with that. The simple math is that a class can be 25 recruits. You then can over sign by three to account for those who end up not qualifying or showing up. So the max is 28. however we have two gray shirts that presumably have two of those slots reserved thus the 26 number. The fine print is in those gray shirts. It is my understanding that a gray shirt can be applied to either class, in this case the 2009 or the 2010 class if there was room in the 2009 class. There was room in the class last year, but then you run into the scholarship limit problem. If we apply the gray shirts to 2009 it can't put us over the 85 team limit for this year.

So in this respect GB is dead on. 26 unless the gray shirts can count against 2009 then up to 28. The other factor is that we can have gray shirts again. We've had some every year that Brewster has been here. I can't see why this year would be any different.

I don't think we have to worry about Brewster being able to make room for SH.

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