Question for Upperclassmen


Ice Cream Abuser
Nov 12, 2008
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For those of you students who have been at the U for a couple of the prior years, is there a different feel and vibe around campus now that we've had a few games in our new stadium??

I'm very interested to hear if there has been an on-campus impact.

Game-days are obviously a lot different. Prior to this year, game-day was limited to getting on a bus to the Dome, watching the game, and getting a bus ride back. Obviously there were some festivities going on before and after the game as well as some tailgating lots downtown, but the trip to the Dome made the actual game feel really autonomous from the rest of the day and quite separate from campus.

That whole experience doesn't quite compete with having tens of thousands of people milling around University Ave.

Non-game-days, I haven't noticed much of a difference to be honest.

Oh most definitely. I came to campus in fall 2006 and the games were fun, because well its still football, but the overall atmosphere was non-existent. Everyone would pile into buses and go to the dome, which all by itself is a pathetic excuse for a stadium and I thank God I never have to go there again. Now, fast forward to this season, and even as far back as a month or so before student tickets went on sale last year. Game days are electric, everyone is excited about the new stadium and the fact that its on campus only makes it that much better. The student section is even MORE crazy than in years past, even with there being no alcohol served in the stadium. We yell on every down, not just third. However, on third we go that extra inch further, and standing there jumping and yelling, it is a noticeable difference. Overall there is renewed excitement about the football team. This year has been everything I could have hoped for and more. The only negative that directly affects the atmosphere on campus is their policy of no drinking outside 3 hours before and 3 hours after the game, but if that is the only problem, I can deal with it.

Edit - hopefully that makes sense, I just started typing and didn't really read it beforehand.

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