Question for students - or recent students on the "new" student section experience


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Nov 12, 2008
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Question for students - or recent students on the "new" student section experience

It will be pretty unique for us to have a two deck student section. I do understand we partially had this system in the past, but I firmly believe this a little bit of a different situation for 2009. Now it will be about 55-45 in terms of the distribution of the students. At the dome it had to be about 80-20 or 90-10.

Do you think that will partially limit student involvement and rowdiness?

Just curious about thoughts on this.

I am not sure what percentage of the seats in the upper deck will be able to view seats in the lower deck.

Not being in the corner exclusively will also be different. In years past it went from about the 20 through the endzone. Now it is just the endzone. There should also be not very many empty seats.

It will be different.

Students that go to the games will be rowdy. We love football and whether we are in the lower deck or the upper deck it doesn't matter, we will be cheering from start to finish. Also, it is a brand new stadium, what's not to love?

Students that go to the games will be rowdy. We love football and whether we are in the lower deck or the upper deck it doesn't matter, we will be cheering from start to finish. Also, it is a brand new stadium, what's not to love?

i dont know if you are just being hopeful for next year with the new stadium and all, but going off of last year i am not convinced. Barely half way up the student section last year i could have farted and people within 15 rows would have heard it, it was sad. Students would be sitting after the 1st quarter or so until they left halfway through 3rd. I think with it being full this year to start and it being brand new it will be good. i have high hopes with a lot lower of expectations

I really think the 1-11 record from the previous season and it being the last year in the Dome really hurt student support and turn out.

I really expect a great turnout and great support this year.

I think the speed at which student season tickets are being sold is a good indication of the excitement level among students. I believe 6000 of the 8000 available (2000 of the total 10,000 being held for incoming students) were sold in the first weekend and I thought I heard less than a 1000 were left after the first week. I wouldn't be surprised if all 8000 are gone in the next week or two. Thats impressive considering this is the first year students could only by one ticket instead of two. Not to mention the dome is an absolutely terrible place to go for a college football game on a beautiful fall day. The dim lighting and warm, stuffy air reminded me of a nursing home that was hell bent on making you sleepy.

I do think it will be an advantage to have the entire lower section not divided by the marching band. It really was like two sections on either side of the band. But with the band low and in front more, the student section will be more united in its chants and rowdiness.

Having a sold out student section will definitely make for an earlier-arriving crowd. Also, the threat of possibly sitting up in the upper deck will motivate many people to arrive early.

Not having to bus back to campus will keep most students from leaving early. I dont know how many of you have had this experience of bussing back from the dome with the huge crowd of students, but it royally sucked. Royally.

Having bleacher benches and not seats with chairbacks and armrests will keep people standing much more. This will help greatly.

Depending on the security procedures which have yet to be announced, there will probably be less becky and Iowa fans in the student section.

Hopefully, that student spirit group that has been talked about earlier will have a good plan for motivating students to be loud and cheerful. Plans for fun, creative cheers will help.

Hopefully, the old folks in the rest of the stadium wont sit on their hands on defense on third and two. This is not everyone, but it is way too many people.

But with the band low and in front more, the student section will be more united in its chants and rowdiness.

I was of the impression that the band will be on the opposite side of the field than the student I mistaken?

I do think it will be an advantage to have the entire lower section not divided by the marching band. It really was like two sections on either side of the band. But with the band low and in front more, the student section will be more united in its chants and rowdiness.

Having a sold out student section will definitely make for an earlier-arriving crowd. Also, the threat of possibly sitting up in the upper deck will motivate many people to arrive early.

Not having to bus back to campus will keep most students from leaving early. I dont know how many of you have had this experience of bussing back from the dome with the huge crowd of students, but it royally sucked. Royally.

Having bleacher benches and not seats with chairbacks and armrests will keep people standing much more. This will help greatly.

Depending on the security procedures which have yet to be announced, there will probably be less becky and Iowa fans in the student section.

Hopefully, that student spirit group that has been talked about earlier will have a good plan for motivating students to be loud and cheerful. Plans for fun, creative cheers will help.

Hopefully, the old folks in the rest of the stadium wont sit on their hands on defense on third and two. This is not everyone, but it is way too many people.

great post

But with the band low and in front more, the student section will be more united in its chants and rowdiness.

I was of the impression that the band will be on the opposite side of the field than the student I mistaken?

Yup, you are. The student section is the entire closed (east) end of the stadium. The band is that pit area cut out of those bleachers directly behind the east field goal and between the band tunnel and the gophers' tunnel. Should be great!

Depending on the security procedures which have yet to be announced, there will probably be less becky and Iowa fans in the student section.

As said above, great post.

In years past students could purchase 2 tickets off the bat. Then at any time they could buy more tickets without an ID. The metrodome was never full, so selling tickets to students in infinite numbers was always welcome. This allowed for many Iowa/Wisky fans to get in. Friends giving them their extra tickets, or just grabbing someone's extra because so many students had tickets.

Has nothing to do with security, and everything to do with 1 ticket per student, no incremental sales. The security,although, could keep the few non-students and non-minnesota-students out alike and eliminate scalping.

1 ticket per student also significantly increases the value of a ticket, especially topping that off with a sell out and a cap of 10,000 tickets.

When away tickets are offered through Iowa/Wisconsin they surely will go to parents/donors/season ticket holders first. Then students.

You will see very few students next year.

Will be interesting to see the % of red next year.

i dont know if you are just being hopeful for next year with the new stadium and all, but going off of last year i am not convinced. Barely half way up the student section last year i could have farted and people within 15 rows would have heard it, it was sad. Students would be sitting after the 1st quarter or so until they left halfway through 3rd. I think with it being full this year to start and it being brand new it will be good. i have high hopes with a lot lower of expectations

I am not sure where you sat but I didn't see any of what you spoke. Sure, there are some fans that do not stand the whole time, but the part about people sitting after the 1st quarter is a complete lie. Commercial breaks = sit, time outs = sit, end of quarters and halftime = sit. The rest of the time we were standing and being loud.

This is not me being hopeful, this is me being confident. It WILL happen.

Commercial breaks = sit, time outs = sit, end of quarters and halftime = sit. The rest of the time we were standing and being loud.

You sit at commercials and timeouts? I say its between quarters only!!

Plus some of the best songs the marching band plays are during the commercials and timeouts!

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