Question about TD and Field Goal


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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ok after every TD and FG, they would shoot off a cannon in the dome. what will they do at TCF Bank Stadium. will it be a cannon again or something esle.

Haha, we should get twenty huge, super loud cannons and put them right behind the visitors' sections at the top of the north side of the stadium.


Will Fireworks of any kinds, either large independence type fireworks after a win or smaller ones you see at concerts that go off from the top of the scoreboard for example be in the new stadium

In one sense I kinda hope they don't get rid of The Cannon Man but then again a loud "cha ching" sound would be sweet!

Will Fireworks of any kinds, either large independence type fireworks after a win or smaller ones you see at concerts that go off from the top of the scoreboard for example be in the new stadium

I want them to shoot fireworks to when we score and ditch the cannon.

Get a Civil War canon aim it due west and see if you clear the St. Croix. If you short it you take a strip mall in Woodbury or Oakdale. And those things can get REALLY loud.

I want them to shoot fireworks to when we score and ditch the cannon.

Is this serious?

Any talk of not bringing the cannon bothers me. I don't know how far back the cannon goes, but ever since I can remember, that cannon has been there.

It would not be the same indoors or outdoors without it.

Q: If a new outdoor stadium gets built, will the cannon be loud enough?

A: We've taken it on trips to the various bowl games, and it made plenty of noise there. I'm going to be 80 in December, but I hope to get a chance to fire the cannon in a new stadium. I enjoy it and I'll keep doing it as long as I can.

Is this serious?

Q: If a new outdoor stadium gets built, will the cannon be loud enough?

A: We've taken it on trips to the various bowl games, and it made plenty of noise there. I'm going to be 80 in December, but I hope to get a chance to fire the cannon in a new stadium. I enjoy it and I'll keep doing it as long as I can.

The problem really isn't how loud the current cannon is. We could get a new, much larger cannon, but it could still fire the same size charge (or slightly larger) as the old. That way it would look even better while not being too loud for PC crowd.


I posted this in the other thread, but it is appropriate here too - I heard that back in the day the ROTC fired an artillery piece at Memorial Stadium. Wouldn't now be the time to bring that back? Cannon Man only had a job because we went inside.

I posted this in the other thread, but it is appropriate here too - I heard that back in the day the ROTC fired an artillery piece at Memorial Stadium. Wouldn't now be the time to bring that back? Cannon Man only had a job because we went inside.

Something tells me that U might view the right time to make the change as after Cannon Man gives up the job due to age. Given the fact that he's 80 it probably won't be that many seasons (not saying I hope he dies or anything so lets no go there). He may feel its time to retire as Cannon Man once he's had a season or two in TCF.

I agree its not how loud it is it everything to do with the size. A little sailing canon is going to cut it. They need something BIG. Sorry canon guy but your job is about to be pink slipped or you are going to have to find a bigger canon.

I suggest a big old cannon in one end zone. In the other end zone is a doll of the opposing teams mascot. The cannon goes off and we blow the leg off of the first mascot. Then the second leg, and on and on. Or do we just save this idea for halloween? It might not be PG rated for the little kids. My daughter would go home to my wife (Madison graduate) asking why they blew up Bucky.

I agree its not how loud it is it everything to do with the size. A little sailing canon is going to cut it. They need something BIG. Sorry canon guy but your job is about to be pink slipped or you are going to have to find a bigger canon.

I had no idea so many people had issues with our cannon size.


I don't necessarily have an issue with the cannon size now. I will be fine if the same cannon is in TCF. I just think a BIG, old school looking cannon with two big wagon wheels would be awesome.

I am sure there are 155mm pieces out there somewhere, can't be that hard to get blanks for them. I bet Ft. Snelling might even have them for ceremonial events.


mnboiler, I suggest you aim it due east if you want to clear the St. Croix. It's a long shot the orther direction.

Cannonman should be allowed to continue out his career, if not for tradition, for his sweet posthumous donation possibility(heard he didn't do to bad for himself in his pre-cannoneer days). In the post-cannon man era, ff we can't sweet talk an old m102 off some regional reserve unit, somebody needs to step up and buy a sensible civil war reenactment type cannon, maximizing our bang and smoke for the buck. I wonder if I shell out for this little beaut' if I can rope some preferred seating...

That is exactly what I was going for! It's 'only' $9k. The U could easily afford one or two of these. That would be bad ass for game day :D

How many gopherholers would be willing to donate money to the 'awesome civil war cannon' fund? If we donate half the money, the U usually will match the gift (thats how they raise funds for a lot of things, including many scholarships). Then the gopherhole can be the official sponsor of something sweet in the new stadium.

I'd most definitely give some. I'd give more if it was 4 years from now and I was done with school!

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