Quarterback Controversy?

short ornery norwegian

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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I hate to start another media-bashing thread, but just wanted to share this with everyone.

I was listening to KSTP (alias ESPN1500). Phil Mackey repeatedly kept bringing up the "quarterback controversy" that the Gophers are facing. Also brought on Doogie to talk about it. (BTW, Reusse was off, so they had Chris Long from Ch 5 on as guest host)

Back to topic - Mackey is claiming that the Gophers have a quarterback controversy, because (in his opinion), Nelson went into fall practice as the clear-cut starter, and now he's being challenged by Leidner.

But what really set me off was this: Mackey said (paraphrasing) that "when Kill recruited Nelson, he promised Nelson that he'd be the starter. If Kill goes back on his word and doesn't start Nelson, then other recruits won't want to go to the U because they won't be able to trust the coach." (I'm not making this up - he really said it!!!)

To his credit, Doogie said he didn't see a QB controversy. Doogie also talked about Kill's history of using multiple QB's, and predicted that if Nelson starts, (which Doogie said he would), Leidner will still see double-digits snaps each game.

To be clear - I don't agree with the "QB Controversy" nonsense - but it just points out how some media people in the TC market go out of their way to gin up conflict.

"...it just points out how some media people in the TC market go out of their way to gin up conflict. "

What it really points out is how stupid they are.

He read about the "controversy" this morning.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I wasn't aware we had a QB battle until I read the <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> football notebooks this morning.</p>— Phil Mackey (@PMac21) <a href="https://twitter.com/PMac21/statuses/364450324922109954">August 5, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Ditto. Also, I don't believe Kill "promised" the starting job to Nelson when he was recruiting Leidner in the same class. He would have told him it was his if he earned it.

Ditto. Also, I don't believe Kill "promised" the starting job to Nelson when he was recruiting Leidner in the same class. He would have told him it was his if he earned it.

Nelson was recently interviewed and said "Coach Kill will play the best player" in regards to any QB competition. The idea that Kill, or any coach, would promise someone a starting spot when their job security is based on wins/losses is very doubtful.

I hate to start another media-bashing thread, but just wanted to share this with everyone.

I was listening to KSTP (alias ESPN1500). Mackey said (paraphrasing) that "when Kill recruited Nelson, he promised Nelson that he'd be the starter. If Kill goes back on his word and doesn't start Nelson, then other recruits won't want to go to the U because they won't be able to trust the coach." (I'm not making this up - he really said it!!!)

Mackey is a complete moron. Was he in the room when Kill was talking to Nelson? Can you imagine any coach making such a stupid promise?

Hate to say this but it seems like Sid and Mona are the only guys who care about the Gophers

The "promise" is not exactly accurate, but it was reported last year that Kill did promise Nelson/his parents that if he did not redshirt as a freshman he would play. That's different than promising a starting position for eternity and basically just means he wouldn't waste a year of the kids eligibility.

I don't think Nelson showed enough last year to be the clear cut starter going in to camp. I would bet the coaches came in to Fall camp at least open to the possibility of someone other than Nelson being the QB this year.

There is no QB controversy. As long as Nelson is doing well in practice he is the starting QB. He has the experience of last year to lead the U. Only really horrible play or an injury will put Leidner in the game. The media as always trying to create the controversy. Mackey and Reusse...both morons.

I only heard Chris Long say that recruits won't want to play for Kill because he lied to Nelson.

If people want to be upset about a non-story than blame the writer of Gopher Notes.

I hate to start another media-bashing thread, but just wanted to share this with everyone.

I was listening to KSTP (alias ESPN1500). Phil Mackey repeatedly kept bringing up the "quarterback controversy" that the Gophers are facing. Also brought on Doogie to talk about it. (BTW, Reusse was off, so they had Chris Long from Ch 5 on as guest host)

Back to topic - Mackey is claiming that the Gophers have a quarterback controversy, because (in his opinion), Nelson went into fall practice as the clear-cut starter, and now he's being challenged by Leidner.

But what really set me off was this: Mackey said (paraphrasing) that "when Kill recruited Nelson, he promised Nelson that he'd be the starter. If Kill goes back on his word and doesn't start Nelson, then other recruits won't want to go to the U because they won't be able to trust the coach." (I'm not making this up - he really said it!!!)

To his credit, Doogie said he didn't see a QB controversy. Doogie also talked about Kill's history of using multiple QB's, and predicted that if Nelson starts, (which Doogie said he would), Leidner will still see double-digits snaps each game.

To be clear - I don't agree with the "QB Controversy" nonsense - but it just points out how some media people in the TC market go out of their way to gin up conflict.

It points to Phil Mackey being an idiot, which he has been for a while. I do not much care for any of his thoughts at all.

It points to Phil Mackey being an idiot, which he has been for a while. I do not much care for any of his thoughts at all.

It's pretty obvious that PM is a dufus...he doesn't know the difference between controversy and competition.

Didn't Jerry use multiple QB's at NIU? Seems like that is more a possibility than there being a "controversy." I'm not sure how I like the passing and running quarterback angle he took at NIU but it worked there so I suppose it's worth a try here.

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