Q&A with Matt Leidner


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per GopherSports:

GS: Which offensive linemen has the best hair?

ML: I’m going to have to go with Chad Fahning. He won’t like that I said that. Chad has some great hair and he’s making it rock with what he has.

GS: What’s it like playing so close to home?

ML: It means everything. Having my parents come to the game and seeing them every week. If I went out of state somewhere I wouldn't be able to see them unless they came down and traveled to a game, which they probably wouldn't do.

GS: Who would win in a wrestling match between you and Mitch?

ML: I would definitely win. I’ve beaten him many times. He’s not as good on the ground as I am. We wrestled a lot in high school. When I started getting a lot stronger than him then it was really fun.


Go Gophers!!

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