Q & A With Jamal Mashburn, Jr.


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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GS: Although a freshman, you're not traditionally having a normal freshmen year or experience. What has that been like for you trying to integrate in with school in a situation that's been so unique?
It's definitely been an experience. All of these older guys, my seniors on this team, they've all been telling me these fans are crazy and fans like these get The Barn rocking. I just wish I could see that, and in my career, I think I will be able to see that and have that fan experience on the court. It's actually been pretty smooth and has helped me focus on my academics. It's helped me focus on basketball and what's important and it keeps my circle small. It keeps my circle with people who are important and are here to help me and keep me grounded.

GS: What are your hobbies outside of basketball?
I love music. Music is everything to me and all types of music. I'm not just a one-dimensional rap kind of guy. I can throw on a little bit of R&B, a little bit of jazz, a little bit of everything. So, I like listening to music. I like writing. I write here from time to time; just stuff to keep my mind free. I know we're all so consumed with basketball, so it's good just to get away and let your mind be at ease for a little bit. So, music and writing are some things that I really love to do.

GS: If there's one song on your phone if you need a pick me up or need to put a smile on your face, what song would it be?
Oh man, that's a great question. "Feeling Good" by Michael Bublé. That's definitely one that puts me in a good place. I even listen to it before games. It's not something hard or gets me jumpy. It's just something that puts me in a good spot. The title of the song is self-explanatory in itself, "Feeling Good". You know, when you feel good, you play good.

Go Gophers!!

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