Q&A with Conor Rhoda


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per GopherSports:

GS: If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only bring one teammate, who would it be?

CR: I would say Cody Poock. He is from middle-of-nowhere, Iowa. He would figure out some way to get us food, whether that’s with his bare hands or figuring out a way to make a bow and arrow. He would figure something out.

GS: What’s one thing you can’t live without?

CR: Just being able to go outside. I love being able to just get away and breathe some fresh air. I think it’s really important to do. Definitely having a job where I’m stuck inside all day would not be my forte.

GS: Do you have a favorite place to go outside just to relax?

CR: Not necessarily. I love being up north. I think that’s heaven on earth. Really anywhere in the wilderness I like. Northern Minnesota would probably be my favorite spot. As far as being around in the cities really just anywhere. I just like walking around and seeing new stuff.


Go Gophers!!

Entertaining read...

per GopherSports:

GS: If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only bring one teammate, who would it be?

CR: I would say Cody Poock. He is from middle-of-nowhere, Iowa. He would figure out some way to get us food, whether that’s with his bare hands or figuring out a way to make a bow and arrow. He would figure something out.

Fun Read! Get some insight into who he is a little bit.

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