Q&A with Chad Fahning


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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GS: Which offensive lineman has the best hair? Why?

CF: It’s tough but it has to be Jonah. He’s been growing it out for like four years. There are a lot of linemen with pretty sick flow, but Jonah definitely has the best. Personally, I probably have the worst hair of all the lineman. I like to think I have the best facial hair though. What I lack in hair I make up with my beard.

GS: What is your favorite place in the Twin Cities area?

CF: I’m a hometown guy, so I like meeting up with my dad at Mickeys Diner in downtown St. Paul. That’s my favorite spot to eat outside of campus. That place has some really good food, but I like to go there because of the people who work there. The servers are characters and have some pretty crazy stories.

GS: If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only watch one movie, what would it be and why?

CF: Forrest Gump is a great movie. I could watch that movie a hundred times and I’d still love it. Tom Hanks has to be the best actor of all time.


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