Put Gray in and leave him in!

Great Plains Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Run the ball! What dopey coaches - they could have prepared some option and short pass plays for Gray - instead they have Weber passing inrto the wind and to receivers who can't catch a ball right on the numbers. Let's see what Gray can do for an entire quarter, instead of rotating play to play.

Run the ball! What dopey coaches - they could have prepared some option and short pass plays for Gray - instead they have Weber passing inrto the wind and to receivers who can't catch a ball right on the numbers. Let's see what Gray can do for an entire quarter, instead of rotating play to play.

"receivers who can't catch a ball right on the numbers"

Put Joe frickin Namath in there...it won't matter if your receivers have blocks for hands

Fail of a thread. Let's take Weber out so Gray can throw to Barker.

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