Proof that Reusse cheap shots at Gophers are to poke at Gopher fans.


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Nov 20, 2008
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Patrick Reusse ‏@1500ESPN_Reusse 15h15 hours ago Florida, USA
Real reason for hanging another yr: Don't want to quit & make Gopher goofs that g-damn happy. @MikeMcFeelyWDAY

Wonder if he will nominate 50 Years of Golden Gopher football for Turkey of the year because he enjoys pot shotting Gophers football.
Reusse on twitter straight from the horse's mouth. He doesn't want to retire so that he can continue to take shots on the radio and in the paper at Gopher fans. At least he admits he pokes at Gopher fans for personal enjoyment.

Yeah. We need some mindless homers in here who will drool all over the Gophers - like Paul Allen does for the Vikings. That would be swell!

If you don't like it when media members criticize the Gophers, there is one simple solution. The Gophers need to win more games.

As far as Reusse - you do realize your reaction is giving him what he wants - so you are proving his point for him. It's easy to get under the skin of Gopher fans and make them react. It's not Gopher Sports that Reusse is going after - it's Gopher Fans. So, don't read his stuff, don't listen to his radio show, and don't react to his taunts.

Yeah. We need some mindless homers in here who will drool all over the Gophers - like Paul Allen does for the Vikings. That would be swell!

If you don't like it when media members criticize the Gophers, there is one simple solution. The Gophers need to win more games.

As far as Reusse - you do realize your reaction is giving him what he wants - so you are proving his point for him. It's easy to get under the skin of Gopher fans and make them react. It's not Gopher Sports that Reusse is going after - it's Gopher Fans. So, don't read his stuff, don't listen to his radio show, and don't react to his taunts.

I don't really read Reusse or much of the local media beyond Ryan James and Marcus Fuller, but I thought I'd heard people say on here that Reusse's a baseball fan and doesn't trash the Twins when they suck like he does with the Gophers, that even if every team in the state was awful, he'd still rag on the Gophers the most. But I don't often read his articles about the Gophers and don't really follow the Vikings or Twins, so I couldn't say for sure.

What does anyone need proof for? Media folks tossing out low effort trolling is a pretty established thing.

From Letterman "Oh, don’t take the bait. Kids, if you turn off the light, the moths will stop coming."

His cheapshots at the Gophers are a poke at Gopher fans. He enjoys the attention we give him, he said as much in his tweet. I don't mind Reusse that much, I just think it is weird that he has picked something he supposedly likes Gopher Football as his consistent whipping boy in the media. I don't want worshipping at the altar or fanboy coverage like PA gives to the Vikings, what I would like though is giving the Gophers a little credit when they play well or do something good. Anytime the Gophers have an upset it is because the other team played so lousy not because of how well the Gophers played, that is the slant and media bend we always get.
Star Tribune has always taken their digs at the Gophers but never call the Vikings on their BS when it happens or all of the choke jobs they have done in the playoffs. The constant harping about how bad Gopher Football is perpetuates a myth that gives people the excuse to dismiss anything that is good Gopher football wise. The TC media myth in this town has hurt perception compared to reality for years at least a decade or more.

Once Reusse retires he will still be on Twitter. Could be more interesting that ever.

Go Thinskinners!

The "cheap shots" are well earned. Our most successful season since I started school at the U in 2006 included us blowing a double digit lead in a game to extend an unacceptably long losing streak against our rival, and blowing a double digit lead to extend an unacceptably long bowl game losing streak. If we get our heads out, win the Axe, and win the division (or even better, the conference), I bet Reusse will have some nice things to say.

You know who loves to read Reusse? Badger and Hawkeye fans

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