"Predict the Season" Standings thru tOSU game

Rick Mons

The former MN Snowman
Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score
Before the season started, there were 96 here who predicted whether the Gophers or their opponents would win each game. Only four thought the Gophers would win the OSU game.

Participants get one point for each game that they correctly predicted. In addition, there are bonus points for an unbroken string of correct predictions. (A string of two right gets two bonus points, 3 correct gets 3 bonus points, etc)

Here are the standings through the OSU game. We still have four who have an unbroken string of eight games ... they're in first place, obviously.

Place/Pts - GopherHoler(s)
1 (43 pts) - Gopher Lady, NEGopher, Noonan, Weisbrod
5 (24 pts) - GoldenTimeOfDay
6 (23 pts) - Goldy's Gal

7 (21 pts) - 16FeetUnder, AllTimesTwinsFan, AlphaGopher, AtTheBar, Berget, cclaufer, Chiebert, CurseisLifted33, dcboe, Dengue Gopher, ERob12, GoGophersRah, GoldenDrummer, GoldenGo4Fan, GoldenGun, Gopher07, Gopher71Runner, Gophers09, HLGopher, Hyaluronic, icepirate 13, Jeshurun, LloydChristmas, MadisonRaised, McGophers, Mick Turition, MN Gopher Fan, NDSU Bison, NSMike, PewterSchmidt, PharmacyGopher, re3886, RiverGopher, Schnauzer, SkiUMah Gopher, SkoalVikings, SquidWeber, TikiTed, Xman, Zales04, ZeppelinGopher

48 (20 pts) - Play Hosea, Schnoodler
50 (19 pts) - GoldyPushups
51 (17 pts) - GopherInPhilly, Rick Mons

53 (16 pts) - BayfieldGopher, Big10Champs1899, Casual Observer, ConferenceChamp, esahnow, Ganharva, Hubbabubba, Jike Spingleton, Jthiegs, Krogstad, MNCH, Ole, Row9Gopher, Section 100, ThreeFineSweetHams, WolfOnThe Prowl

69 (15 pts) - BadgerGopher, Go 31, GoAUpher, GrunkieJr

73 (13 pts) - Cmich Gopher, dpodoll68, DrinoneMays9, GopherHoleFan, Husker70, MarathonMan, MBA Guy, Runningopher, Sec 105, Winnepegopher

83 (12 pts) - GopherNut, Sir Callihan, The Big L
86 (10 pts) - CaliGopher, DarrenTheGreek
88 (9 pts) - NCGo4, YoungstownGopher
90 (7 pts) - AeroGopher, awag777, Big Play, FrozenGopher, Vacterl
95 (6 pts) - J.C.
96 (3 pts) - UptownMaroon&Gold

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