Predict the Season Standings thru Game 9 (MSU)

Rick Mons

The former MN Snowman
Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score
None of the four tied for first place chose the Gophers ... so no points for them. That gives others a chance to catch up as the most they can score is 8 points in the next week (1 point for each correct prediction plus 2 bonus points if they get the first two correct and 3 bonus points if they get all three games correct).

GoldyGal is now the only player in 5th place with a six game streak. If she wins out, she'll add 27 points to her tally (3 points for the correct predictions plus 24 (7+8+9) bonus points).

... Place & points - GopherHoler(s)
1 ... (43 pts.) - Gopher Lady, NEGopher, Noonan, Weisbrod
5 …. (30 pts.) - Goldy's Gal
6 …. (27 pts.) - NDSU Bison

7 …. (26 pts.) - AllTimesTwinsFan, AlphaGopher, Berget, cclaufer, CurseisLifted33, dcboe, GoGophersRah, GoldenGo4Fan, GoldenGun, Gopher07, Gopher71Runner, Gophers09, Jeshurun, LloydChristmas, MadisonRaised, McGophers, MN Gopher Fan, NSMike, PewterSchmidt, PharmacyGopher, re3886, SkiUMah Gopher, Xman, ZeppelinGopher

31 …. (24 pts.) - GoldenTimeOfDay, GoldyPushups

33 …. (21 pts.) - 16FeetUnder, AtTheBar, Chiebert, Dengue Gopher, ERob12, GoldenDrummer, GopherInPhilly, HLGopher, Hyaluronic, icepirate 13, Jike Spingleton, Jthiegs, Mick Turition, Ole, Play Hosea, Rick Mons, RiverGopher, Schnauzer, Section 100, SkoalVikings, SquidWeber, ThreeFineSweetHams, TikiTed, Zales04

57 …. (20 pts.) - Schnoodler
58 …. (19 pts.) - Krogstad

59 …. (18 pts.) - BadgerGopher, Cmich Gopher, DrinoneMays9, Go 31, GoAUpher, GrunkieJr, Husker70, MarathonMan, MBA Guy, Runningopher, Winnepegopher

70 …. (17 pts.) - Sec 105, The Big L

72 …. (16 pts.) - BayfieldGopher, Big10Champs1899, Casual Observer, ConferenceChamp, esahnow, Ganharva, Hubbabubba, MNCH, Row9Gopher, WolfOnThe Prowl

82 …. (13 pts.) - DarrenTheGreek, dpodoll68, GopherHoleFan

85 …. (12 pts.) - GopherNut, Sir Callihan

87 …. (10 pts.) - AeroGopher, Big Play, CaliGopher, FrozenGopher, NCGo4, Vacterl

93 …. (9 pts.) - YoungstownGopher
94 …. (7 pts.) - awag777, J.C.
96 …. (6 pts.) - UptownMaroon&Gold

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