Predict the Score - Insight Bowl Edition - Deadline Thurs 12/31 3PM

Rick Mons

The former MN Snowman
Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score
This is the last Predict the Score competition. Have your name added to the Roll Call of Honor (see next post) and garner valuable points in the season-long standings.

Predict the score of next Saturday's game against the Hawkeyes -- last game of the regular season. Select which team will win and the final score.

The deadline for your prediction is 3PM, Thursday, 12/31

Please put your moniker, the winning team and the score on one line like this:

MN Snowman: Gophers 28-27

Mr Smith: ISU 17-16

Wonderlust: Minnesota 42-3

CDHTrel: Cyclones 50-11

Your prediction will be excluded from the competition if you do not follow the format.


The winner gets listed in the "Roll of Honor" (see below) thus earning adulation and testimonies galore.

I also calculate and publish season-long standings (click here for the Small Print and more details).

You win the last 2009 competition if you predict the exact score -- according to Winnipegopher and SanDiegoPete (both winners who predicted the exact score) it's pretty easy. If nobody predicts the exact score, whoever picks the winning team and is closest to the exact score wins. (See Small Print for how that's calculated.)

Please note the additional provision for a game with tied scores. And please note what happens if there are picks with the same score differential and how we resolve this for both the game predictions and for the season standings. (We've had several ties for first place in basketball with the accompanying wailing, renting and gnashing by those who just miss out for the game in question.)

Again -- your prediction needs to include your moniker (screen name) followed on the same line with the team you think will win and the score. I automate the data entry process as much as possible -- that's why it helps if everyone uses the requested format:
moniker: Gophers (or Minnesota) xx - xx

example: MNSnowman: Gophers 31-21

If everyone uses their moniker, this format and consistent names for the teams, it's easy and fast to transfer the data to a spreadsheet used to track predictions.

If it's not in the right format, it likely will not be included. (The biggest reason for not getting your pick counted is not putting your moniker in the prediction and/or putting the winning team and score on more than one line.) We had one GopherHoler who actually nailed OSU's score and was only off by 3 points -- would have been tied for first place. But (s)he hadn't submitted the prediction in the correct format and thus it wasn't counted. Don't let that happen to you!

And even if you don't win this game's prediction, you'll garner valuable points in the Predict the Score Contest as long as you pick the winning team. Note: if you're an Iowa State fan, I'll include your prediction but won't include you in the standings unless you've made a prediction before as you're a "One-game Johnny -- or Joannie" ... :D

Predict the Score Standings and Roll Call of Honor

Here's the standings through the last game (versus Iowa). Wait!What? is in first place but there are several who can leap ahead and one who can at least tie. Here are the standings:

.Place/Points - GopherHoler

.1 …. ( 42 pts) Wait!What?
.2 …. ( 36 pts) frozengopher
.3 …. ( 35 pts) Winnipegopher
.4 …. ( 31 pts) Go 31 , GopherHomer
.6 …. ( 30 pts) mom8pop
.7 …. ( 27 pts) Sandiegopete
.8 …. ( 25 pts) go4rob, RodentRampage
10 …. ( 24 pts) MKE_Gopher

11 …. ( 23 pts) Charlesbenjamin
12 …. ( 22 pts) Gopher In Qatar, GopherOhana, Mick Turition , nc2mn
16 …. ( 21 pts) At The Bar , Ole
18 …. ( 20 pts) Uptownmaroon&Gold
19 …. ( 19 pts) AShreve20, Conferencechamp , Gopher737 .... , TikiTed

23 …. ( 17 pts) Bayfieldgopher , Berget13, rovertM
26 …. ( 16 pts) Darrenthegreek
27 …. ( 15 pts) runningopher , Selection Sunday
29 …. ( 14 pts) book , Gopher In Philly, Gophers09 , mggoph , Zales04

34 …. ( 13 pts) Goldengo4Fan , Gopherholefan, MGGopher , nsmike , rccola889
39 …. ( 12 pts) Big Play , Gandharva , GoldyPushUps , Magpie, Noonan , Rick Mons

45 …. ( 11 pts) Hyaluronic , NEGopher
47 …. ( 10 pts) awag777, ClydeTester, Rotundo, Sam , Ski U Mah Gopher

52 …. ( 9 pts) DrDon, Gopherrising
54 …. ( 8 pts) Goldyspop, Gophermanic , Lloydchristmas , XMan
58 …. ( 7 pts) Cmich Gopher , gophernut , Oski Wow Wow , Schnauzer , thailleagle

63 …. ( 6 pts) Gold Vision, Gopher07 , icepirate13 , longhorn gopher, maroon92 , pharmacygopher , Troy McClure

70 …. ( 5 pts) Gopherjay, Gophers fan , Honyocker , MHDGopherfan , PlayHosea
75 …. ( 4 pts) Curseislifted , ERob12 , MrGopher , Old Chap , Skoalvikings , Threefinesweethams, TubbytownUSA, VACTERL

83 …. ( 3 pts) AhliBobwa, BrewsterBooser, caligopher , DanNystrom, Darby, Gogophersrah , Jike Spingleton , maliksealy , Ncgo4 , PlymouthGopherFan, Schnoodler

94 …. ( 2 pts) Badgergopher , dayjoh , Foggie, Gopher_Alum , gophergrad, gopherprof , Gophers4Life , gophmeister. , Handsome Pete, Hlgopher , Madisonraisedgophercrazed , marathon man, Maverick , Mayne Street , Roy Christensen , sec105 , Squidweber , Studwell55 , Zep

113 …. ( 1 pts) 8151, AeroGopher , Algopher , alphagopher , AVGopher, began11, Bronko Nagurski Gopher, CalBear68, cheeseheadgophfan, dalostpinoy , denguegopher , Diehardgopher , Doogie , DrinoneMays9, DWMINN , Fej, FireDaveLee, Fluffhead, FremontBear , Go4Rushing, Gofur , gophen golder, Gopher Bandanna Guy, Gopher in Dixie, Gopher Nation , Gophercrazy , Gophersen , gophersfan, Gophersmokes, Gortonsfisherman, HobieCat, Husker70 , Jpiigopher , jrb27, Khaliq, lakesgopher , longtimegone., Markymark98 , Maroon, Maroongophers1, Milestones , MilitaryGopher, Oleboy41 , Pewterschmidt , RailBaronYarr , Rivergopher , Row19Gopher , Rudy , Section 100 , Sid Hartman, SJUgopher, Slim Tubby, SlipperySlope, stocker08, SunGopher , tailgator, Tubtastic , Varmintkong , Wdgold, Youngstowngopher , zman

174 …. ( 0 pts) akgopher, Auego4, bigmwc, carh1981, Dcboe, flash23, goldengun, Goldentimeofday , GopherinDixie, Haugy#33, jbergey2, jovs, MBAGuy, Mulligan, SDGopherFan, YahE

189 …. (-50 pts) CaliforniaGopher

Roll Call of Honor

Roll Call of Honor - Football
2009 Season Winners
09/05/09 .... Syracuse ... Winnipegopher (exact score)
09/12/09 .... Air Force .... HomerGopher (3 point variance)
09/19/09 .... California .... HomerGopher (1 point variance)
09/26/09 .... N'western ... SanDiegoPete (exact score)
10/03/09 .... Wisconsin .. at the bar (2 point variance) ...
10/10/09 .... Purdue ... ... FrozenGopher (1 point variance)
10/17/09 .... Penn St . ... Rodent Rampage (17 points off)
10/24/09 .... Ohio St . ... SelectionSunday (3 point variance)
10/31/09 .... Mich St . ... NC2MN (11 point variance)
11/07/09 .... Illini . ......... FrozenGopher (1 point variance)
11/14/09 .... SDSU. ....... Mom8Pop (10 point variance)
11/21/09 .... Iowa. ......... Wait!What? (15 point variance)​

Summary of Predictions

Final predictions
Picking the Gophers

.... 37 - Picked Gophers to Win
26.6 - 18.3 - Average Score
24.0 - 17.0 - Median Score
12 - .. - 0 - Lowest Predicted Score
63 - 28 - Highest Predicted Score

Rick Mons: Minnesota 31 - 24
Dr.Don: Gophers 42-30
Big Play: Gophers 27-13
Gopher737 Gophers 17-14
Ski U Mah Gopher: Gophers 28-10
Gopher In Qatar: Gophers 23-13
gophmeister: gophers 31-13
nsmike Gophers 24-13
gophergrad: Gophers 35-24
Sportsfan24: Gophers 28-10
Gopherholefan: Gophers 28-20
Roy Christensen: Gophers (24 - 20)
Big Play: (31 - 17)
frozengopher: (55 - 0)
Gophersmokes: (27 - 24)
nsmike: (23 - 20)
AhliBobwa: (31 - 24)
Winnipegopher: (20 - 17)
book: (20 - 17)
mom8pop: (31 - 28)
Ole: (24 - 21)
icepirate13: (15 - 14)
GoldenGo4Fan: (20 - 17)
SDGopherFan: (27 - 24)
frozengopher : (21 - 17)
book: (31 - 20)
go4rob: (21 - 17)
hyaluronic: (24 - 13)
Wait!What?: (20 - 10)
UptownMaroon&Gold: (63 - 27)
Dcboe: (21 - 17)
sandiegopete: (31 - 17)
MKE_Gopher: (27 - 24)
MGGopher: (23 - 16)
idagopher: (24 - 21)
Gophersmokes: (20 - 16)
LloydChristmas: (24 - 17)
nc2mn: (31 - 28)
Berget13: (27 - 21)
Badbrew: (23 - 17)
at the bar: (12 - 7)
GoldenGo4Fan: (30 - 17)
Tikited: (23 - 21)
DarrenTheGreek: (20 - 17)
Rescooter: (24 - 10)
Anderson8284: (27 - 19)
GoGophersRah: (31 - 20)
thailleagle: (37 - 24)
Picking the Cyclones
ConferenceChamp: Cyclones 27-23
began11: Iowa State 24 - 13​

Opps Ski u mah already choose my previous score so I will change it to:

Sportsfan24: Gophers 31-10

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