Predict the Score - DePaul

Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Last week's winner - Gold Vision

Official Standings
Bucknell - Dr. Don (Actual Score - Gophers 70-58, Winning guess - 69-59)
SDSU - GopherInPittsburgh and MinneStoa (Actual Score - 71-55, Winning guesses - 73-63/75-61)
Fairfield - GopherOhana (Actual Score - Gophers 67-57, Winning guess - 67-56)
Mount Saint Mary's - Gold Vision (Actual Score - Gophers 85-56, Winning guess - 82-56)

xman: Minnesota 72 - 63

Nuggett Depaul 55 Minn 52

It's always pleasing to see the Kentucky fans posting on our board Nugget. It should be like old home week watching Billy and Tubby today eh?

Ruppertflywheel: Depaul has 2 nice guards. That's it. A far cry from the years under Ray and then Joey Meyer. Gophers 69 Depaul 55

Ruppertflywheel: Depaul has 2 nice guards. That's it. A far cry from the years under Ray and then Joey Meyer. Gophers 69 Depaul 55
Two nice guards? Perhaps you forgot about Cleveland Melvin, the PF, who is the reigning BE Freshman of the Year.

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