Pre game News from Phoenix


Active member
Nov 12, 2008
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Just to let you know the events here.

Yesterday afternoon was the Sota Social in the large court yard at a hotel a few blocks from the stadium. Part of the band, cheerleaders, goldy and the affair was m-ceed by Dave Mona and Darrel Thompson. Maturi and Brunik spoke. Free food etc.

Today -

Noon (MST) pep rally at the same location. This time a $10 fee but extensive food and fun.
2PM the entire group marches to staduim to be there for the "Victory March" as the team arrives.
Back to the pep rally until game time.
4:00 pm game time.

All in all it is a great time. many MN snowbirds wintering here are in attendance. Still we could do better.

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