Potential Injuries?


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2010
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First off, let me say. Awesome game!!!

Second off, I noticed Andre McDonald did not play (or was extremely limited, did not come in when back ups played either.). Was this due to an injury or discipline? Also saw a player getting carted off into the tunnel. Do we know who this was?

First off, let me say. Awesome game!!!

Second off, I noticed Andre McDonald did not play (or was extremely limited, did not come in when back ups played either.). Was this due to an injury or discipline? Also saw a player getting carted off into the tunnel. Do we know who this was?

I know Aaron Hill went to the locker room because of cramps.

Also noticed Moulton was not even in uniform. There's got to be some kind of injury or discipline problem as there were guys in uniform that are locks for a redshirt (Pirsig).

I noticed for several series in the second half that Bjorklund was in for Tommy O? Just splitting up the minutes? Or TO dinged up?

I noticed for several series in the second half that Bjorklund was in for Tommy O? Just splitting up the minutes? Or TO dinged up?

Thought I saw Ed limp around a little too. I just hope we escaped anything serious.

Aaron hill must have been the guy I saw on the cart back to the locker room. Glad it was just cramps. I'm still curious as to why McDonald didn't get any snaps, even in garbage time. Is he on Kill's bad side right now? I thought his role would be greater with Harbison sidelined due to the ACL. I am also hoping we escaped any major injuries.

You guys have officially perked my curiosity.

re: Andre. Twitter sez that he had an infected leg due to a turf burn, or something like that.

Apparently Andre was sick during the week so they decided to hold him out. (edit: wrong type of infection, whoops)

In addition to Moulton not being dressed, Kenny Watkins also wasn't in pads, though that may just be a reflection of how far down he is on the depth chart.

Not his twitter. Either way, not a big deal.

Oh, I see it now.

Tweet from Nate Sandell says: "WR Andre McDonald had suffered an infection in his leg earlier this week, Kill said. Could have played but team decided to be catuious"

Glad to hear it's nothing. Hope to see him and Q hooking up several times next week against Western Michigan.

Apparently Andre was sick during the week so they decided to hold him out. (edit: wrong type of infection, whoops)

In addition to Moulton not being dressed, Kenny Watkins also wasn't in pads, though that may just be a reflection of how far down he is on the depth chart.

For home games don't they normally dress everybody who is healthy and isn't being disciplined?

I noticed for several series in the second half that Bjorklund was in for Tommy O? Just splitting up the minutes? Or TO dinged up?

I Was focusing on Bjorklund and he looked really good to me.

Maybe it was just against the level of competition and I might have picked good plays to watch Bjorklund, but the plays I watched. . .he looked impressive.

Love seeing young backups getting plays like that.

Kenny Watkins has concussion issues and is not going to be playing this year.

For home games don't they normally dress everybody who is healthy and isn't being disciplined?

That's what I thought as well. Maybe a question about Moulton can be asked on the radio show tomorrow?

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