Post sensational headline about Stribs Gopher Football Coverage


Section 243
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
"Star Tribune involved in professional sports coverage conspiracy"

"Don't Forget, The Strib Same Goobers Who Employed Myron Medcalf"

I'll just use their own words:

Jim Anderson's not going to be able to "Aw, shucks" his way out of this one

Their football coverage is very good. Joe is very good at what he does. It's unfortunate that those around him detract from his coverage.

Go Gophers!!

Their football coverage is very good. Joe is very good at what he does. It's unfortunate that those around him detract from his coverage.

Go Gophers!!

My Headline: "Strib's Joe: a shining light in a media cess-pool"

Cancelling my subscription. That's for sure.

Their football coverage is very good. Joe is very good at what he does. It's unfortunate that those around him detract from his coverage.

Go Gophers!!

Completely agree Bleed! Joe C does an awesome job.

"Hypocrites: Star Tribune Double Standard Reporting Severely Undermines Credibilty"

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