I'm still waiting for my blood pressure to return to normal after that targeting call. Jimminy (is that how you spell that) Christmas. That was absolutely unbelievable. You can't make that up. It was that bad.
OK, Good, Bad, Ugly?
>Rodney Smith. You beast, you.
>Emmitt Carpenter! Holy cow, what a revelation this kid has been! You go, son.
>Ryan Santoso. Finally. Thank you.
>Jay Sawvel in 2nd half. Purdue is bad. Inconsistent. Can't run. Keep the ball in front of you, win the game. Good job.
>Steve Richardson. You beast, you.
>OL in 2nd half, especially pass protection. What a difference. They were getting DOMINATED in the first half...which leads me to:
>OL in the first half. My goodness, they got whipped. The only yards were on play action, zone reads, gimmicky running plays like draw, and great individual efforts by Smith. Purdue dominated the trenches for a lot of the game.
>Officiating. SMH. Wow. Targeting? Offensive pass interference that wasn't (and then not calling it on Purdue the very next series when a WR tackles a CB?). This crew was consistently horrible in every imaginable way.
>If not for the officiating, how could ANYTHING top that horrific playcall at the end of the first half?! That was one of the worst decisions I've ever seen from a coaching staff. 15 sec. No timeouts. OL that's getting whipped. QB and WR's that are below average. Everything adds up to TAKE A FREAKING KNEE!
>Cover 0 blitzes. No need for this against bad teams. Just rip that page outta the playbook. Next week...sure, break 'em out.