
Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
This team is about 3-5 plays away from being 5-0. Lots of season left!

Weather at the game has been pretty good other than today.

I like parking in lot 37 now more than I liked parking in the maroon lot.

This team is about 3-5 plays away from being 5-0. Lots of season left!

Good to see young Rallis out there flying around and making plays. I like him and Lynn out there at the same time.

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It wasn't 2013?

As brutal as this game was the 2013 Floyd game was a so stinky and smelly some of us might have blocked it from our think boxes.

165 total offensive yards
Phil's QBR was 16.2
7 offensive points
400+ yards given up on D.
A 23-7 final score that felt more like 55-7. We were totally inept on offense. Yes, worse than today.

So yes folks, it can be worse.

So many good players on D. Many of them young.

Nice to see Hardin come back and make a great INT and return.

Go Gophers!!

It will be nice to see the sarcasm in this thread become more subtle.

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I recorded the game but the DVR didn't work for some reason. Therefore I was only able to watch the last few minutes of the game.

The secondary was much improved with the additions of Hardin and Buford and the benching of Ayinde.

This isn't positive, but it's a fact: we're also 3-5 plays from being 1-4. At the end of the day, you are what your record says you are.

I recorded the game but the DVR didn't work for some reason. Therefore I was only able to watch the last few minutes of the game.


Quick summary: instead of bad defense we played bad offense. The penalties remained the same, except nobody leveled their kicker this week. That said, we didn't get many opportunities.

Well, we are picking up speed. Thank you, gravity.

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I guess if we're looking for positives, we might as well go with Brooks. I've said it before and I'll probably say it again before the season is over, the dude is a warrior. He's a solid, quick runner who picks up tough yards and fights for every single inch. Him and Smith combined make a solid one-two punch and the two of them continue to be a bright spot for the offense.

On the defense, meanwhile, it's been awesome watching Travis, who has made some solid plays at his position.

Defense was instantly better.

All our best players are still young and will hopefully keep getting better.

Our national champion dance team is better than the nationally ranked Iowa dance team. I thought both marching bands were about the same but both are way below TBDBITL. Oh I am supposed to be positive.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Defense looked awesome almost the whole game. Which was nice to see again.

Defense is good.
Brooks is awesome.
Kicker is good.
We have the rest of the season to speculate on who the coach will be next year.

For the casual fan who might want to attend homecoming tickets on the street will be a real bargain.

During Kill's first two seasons, the team was blown out, outclassed and looked like they didn't belong on the same field more than a handful of times. The biggest margin of defeat under Claeys remains a 14 point loss at Ohio State.

I actually felt fortunate to get $100 total for 2 extra $170 tickets I couldn't give away to family and co-workers. There were dozens trying to sell out front that just gave up and ate their tickets

Our kicker seems more reliable than the Vikings kicker.

We are ready to fire our coach after losing two big ten games, both as underdogs, by a combined 10 points.

I guess that means we as fans are raising our expectations??

We are ready to fire our coach after losing two big ten games, both as underdogs, by a combined 10 points.

I guess that means we as fans are raising our expectations??

The Gophers were favored yesterday, at least by Vegas odds

We are ready to fire our coach after losing two big ten games, both as underdogs, by a combined 10 points.

I guess that means we as fans are raising our expectations??

We're paying helmet school prices for season tickets and getting a Purdue like product. I think it's reasonable to raise our expectations a bit.

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