Position Chart for Wisconsin Game

I really wish there was a section of the position chart that said:

36 Blake Cashman 6-2 225 So. Eden Prairie, MN

My point. . . he is essentially plays his own position.

It's actually a testament to Claeys and Sawvel, they are definitely creative with utilizing our players on defense. It helps when you have the pieces, but Blake Cashman kind of just plays Blake Cashman.

I really wish there was a section of the position chart that said:

36 Blake Cashman 6-2 225 So. Eden Prairie, MN

My point. . . he is essentially plays his own position.

It's actually a testament to Claeys and Sawvel, they are definitely creative with utilizing our players on defense. It helps when you have the pieces, but Blake Cashman kind of just plays Blake Cashman.

On the radio show Claeys said that "Cash" is a tweener. Too slow to cover WR and too small to line up every play at LB, but when it comes to spread teams and 3rd downs he fits in perfectly. You can tell in his comments that Claeys loves his LBs.

I really wish there was a section of the position chart that said:

36 Blake Cashman 6-2 225 So. Eden Prairie, MN

My point. . . he is essentially plays his own position.

It's actually a testament to Claeys and Sawvel, they are definitely creative with utilizing our players on defense. It helps when you have the pieces, but Blake Cashman kind of just plays Blake Cashman.

Blake being Blake.

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