Portland State threatening Portland


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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Portland's up just five with eight minutes left in the second half. Portland State is 13-21 from three-point range.

Jesus, Portland State is now 14-22 from three.

Ah the three pointer, the great equalizer of basketball lol.

80-78 with 3:49 left, wow

Okay, now 81-80 Portland State after ANOTHER three

83-80....Portland State....with 27 seconds left

I had this momentary lapse a second ago where it felt like we lost to Portland earlier this year. Must be a senior moment or something....

Up 4 with six seconds left. Portland State appears to have this one in the bag.

VERY much so. 15 for 25 from three, wow, that's insane. That's how you beat a team like Portland though, from deep. If we could have shot remotely straight, we would have beaten them as well.

Well at least people won't think I'm an idiot for saying Portland was really bad.

too bad

Too bad their stay in the top 25 will be shorter than ours. I still hope they have a great season as it can only help us if they do.

Sounds to me like Portland's players were too busy reading their press clippings and didn't take into consideration that a cross town "rival" was hungry and looking to take them down. It's a lesson a lot of teams and programs have to learn the hard way: Things change when you're the hunted instead of the hunter. Ken Bone, in his own right, left a pretty good program at Portland State before he moved on to Wazzu.

Portland nothing special

Count me among those who was not blown away by Portland. We should have matched up well with them by unen able to get out on, and workman like big men who just did their jobs.

We are out of sync right now and are paying the price.

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