Points of Interest for out of towners at Gopher games


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Mar 15, 2015
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Hi all,

New to the board...I did some light searching and did not see any threads with this information readily available. Where are good places to stay/eat/imbibe when we are coming in for a Minnesota game? What's the best access to get to the Stadium from a hotel. We're trying to decide if we should drive in the day of (depends on when they set game times I guess) or get hotel rooms for the weekend.

Thanks in Advance...


BRE welcome to the board. You are going to get plenty of opinions for game day here. Where are you coming from? Anytime someone want to come into MPLS/STP I would highly recommend a full weekend because there is just so much to do, or if you only have time for the game, drive there, show up early, take in the atmosphere and then leave. Like I said I recommend the full weekend.

Hi all,

New to the board...I did some light searching and did not see any threads with this information readily available. Where are good places to stay/eat/imbibe when we are coming in for a Minnesota game? What's the best access to get to the Stadium from a hotel. We're trying to decide if we should drive in the day of (depends on when they set game times I guess) or get hotel rooms for the weekend.

Thanks in Advance...


It would be great to narrow it down a bit, so please give us a little more information:

1) Are you coming up for a time with "the boys" or are significant others coming up? How many?
2) Do you want "local fare" or are you looking for a something in particular (ex. sports bar, country, irish pubs, night life)?
3) Age Group (there is a big difference between choices)?
4) Looking for recreation (this place has an amazing variety)?
5) Price (Budget vs. it doesn't matter what the price)
6) Nostalgia or New?

Once we get some of that information, I can guarantee someone here will give you the Twin Cities best.

Scroll down a few posts and read the TCF Season Opener vs TCU thread.

It would be great to narrow it down a bit, so please give us a little more information:

1) Are you coming up for a time with "the boys" or are significant others coming up? How many?
2) Do you want "local fare" or are you looking for a something in particular (ex. sports bar, country, irish pubs, night life)?
3) Age Group (there is a big difference between choices)?
4) Looking for recreation (this place has an amazing variety)?
5) Price (Budget vs. it doesn't matter what the price)
6) Nostalgia or New?

Once we get some of that information, I can guarantee someone here will give you the Twin Cities best.

Thanks for the responses.

Coming up from Nebraska (Lincoln), probably driving. Friday/Saturday/Sunday visit. It will be a guys trip...all of us 40ish. 1st Priority is lodging that is efficient from both a nightlife perspective and travel to and from the game. We're kind of a hole-in-the-wall/dive type of crowd, so more along those lines. A good restaurant or two suggestions would probably help.

I'll scroll down for the TCU thread as well.

Thanks again!

Hmmm the TCU fan requested "high end" recommendations so as "hole in the wall" type of guys you may not find that one all that useful.

Efficient for nightlife and for the game I would recommend a downtown minneapolis hotel. You can take the lightrail to the game and back down town so you don't have to worry about parking. Being downtown will give you tons of night life options. Lots of tap rooms in NE are easy to get to and are cool places. Dangerous man, 612, Indeed, sociable cider works, Bau haus (or however you spell it), they all serve their own brewed beers and have food trucks to sell you food. Or brew pubs (brewery's that also sell food and usually have guest beers too) are popular right now, some of my favorites are Dayblock, The Freehouse, Northbound. If you want "dive bar" downtown Cuzzy's is always a favorite, liquor lyles is also a great dive bar and only 2 minutes from downtown. Matt's bar is a landmark (this will lead to an argument but don't listen, its better than the other place) Lots of cool bars in downtown that aren't "clubs" and more laid back. The Local is a great spot as an example. Or if you are really into bourbons the beer garden at Butcher and the Boar has a good beer selection and bourbon/whiskey/scotch flights and is a good way to eat some of their food without paying for the nicer restaurant seating.

This should get you started, there will be lots of people that chime in with good suggestions! As the game approaches feel free to ask more specific questions. Glad you are coming up for the game

I just hope this doesn't turn into a, does our QB how to throw a spiral thread...:cool:

I'd suggest you start practicing saying, "We're Nebraska. How on earth do we lose to Minnesota 3 years in a row?"

Hail a cab and tell him to take you to Augie's or "The Nineties." He'll know where these social spots are.

Seriously guys? Quit being d!cks. Why not help out a visiting fan?

If your group is into beer, Surly is a must. Their destination brewery also serves food, and you can see TCF Bank Stadium from their location (a grain elevator might be in the way, but you get the point). They are opening a restaurant on the second floor as well in the next month or so. Could be a great place to tailgate, but no one knows yet since they just opened the doors to the new place.


If you are a beer snob, 612, Bauhaus, and Sociable all have questionable beer. Spaces are fun. But some of their stuff leaves a bit to be desired compared to the other tap rooms in town. There are lots of fun rooftop spots in town. City Pages typically has a good list of events going on in a given weekend in either of the Twin Cities.

Thanks for the responses.

Coming up from Nebraska (Lincoln), probably driving. Friday/Saturday/Sunday visit. It will be a guys trip...all of us 40ish. 1st Priority is lodging that is efficient from both a nightlife perspective and travel to and from the game. We're kind of a hole-in-the-wall/dive type of crowd, so more along those lines. A good restaurant or two suggestions would probably help.

I'll scroll down for the TCU thread as well.

Thanks again!

Let us know when you have lodging. I'm assuming you're coming up for the Husker game mid November, right?

The jumping off/dropping off point will really determine the plan. You could go as far out as the Mall of America area for hotels and take the light rail to and from. Forget the cabs here and install and get used to the Uber app. The areas that you are going to will have no lack of Uber drivers, and it's a much better deal.

Also, how many will be in your crew? Married? Anybody looking for some "strange"? No judging, just need to know the audience before making suggestions.

We had a great trip to Lincoln for last year's game. The hospitality shown by the Husker fans was incredible. I second the recommendation to go to Surly. You can take the lightrail there from either Mpls or St. Paul (get off at Prospect Park or Stadium Village), and walk to/from the stadium. It's going to be jammed on game days, but well worth it. They're planning an awesome outdoor space. My favorite on-campus spot is The Big Ten. Excellent subs and good game-day vibe. Check out Yelp for reviews and recommendations. I hope you have a fun trip, even with the loss :)

First off: Nebraska Fans are great. They hate Iowa and Wisconsin - is there anything else? Of course I'd like to hang a "L" on their record, but every other game, I'm a fan.

Downtown: Check out the Local. The scenery is excellent: http://www.the-local.com/ Very good food & drink too.

Also Downtown: Kierans: http://www.kierans.com/

They do Irish Pubs well in the Twin Cities. The boys will be pleased.

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