Baxter is a sophomore, not a freshman.
I have to complement you DBdoll68, you are so cool in addition to being a really super duper smart guy. I bet people outside the Gopherhole in real life really look up to you, and secretly wish they were more like you!
You know more than almost any poster I can think of! In fact, I am sure you absolutely have to be the 2nd most "respected" member of Gopherhole, probably only behind the great RickMons/Snowman.
Of course we all can't be so brilliant as you (and Ricky), but at least you give us something to aspire to!!!!! Keep it up for all of us!!!!!!
It only makes sense, that when any of the "rest of us" post, we should pause before clicking on the enter button, and ask the question that follows. Would DBgDoll68 expect more of us and will he approve of our opinion? If the answer is no, well.......