Players getting kicked off the team?


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Mar 4, 2009
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I am hearing from friends of mine that are close to the program that there is going to be announcement that some players are going to be booted from the team because of academics? Has anyone heard anything on this matter or is this just crap? I have heard that it is going to happen soon if it is true.

I heard from some very close friends of mine, that are very close to the program that no news like that is coming down the pike.

With all the buzz around academics on the team it could definitely be true, but I need to hear a more concrete source than your friends (not saying they're not accurate, just want to hear some corroboration).

I think the APR issue is bigger than most believe, and possibly the reason behind the extra 2 years, if we get hit with lost scholarships the turnaround is going to take that much longer.

That said, I hope this isn't true.

There was a short lived thread similar to this last week, that one got pulled because it named a name.

I have no idea if this is related, but these two quotes from Jerry Kill's news conference transcript yesterday made me take a step back:

"We have got to get players to do the right things. We still have some of them that don't understand what's right and wrong and so forth. I'm going to have to make some tough calls, and I'm going to get beat up for a while, and that's okay. That's part of it."


"It was going to take some time and we are going to take some public hits and that's part of it. "

Entire transcript is here.

"It was going to take some time and we are going to take some public hits and that's part of it. "

This quote is in reference to his time at Southern Illinois.

You lost me at...."I am hearing from friends of mine that are close to the program"

oh yeah? well, purple monkey dishwasher.

a classic simpsons reference to gossip/rumor mongering. for those who don't know.

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I don't mean to rip on the OP but it's going to bother people when you essentially say..."I heard something bad, i'm not going to tell you what it is about and i'm not going to tell you any details".

There are other rumors that i've heard and didn't post about simply because there was nothing to it, and frankly, stirring up gossip for the sake of gossip isn't really my style.

I will say that I haven't heard anything about this, but it wouldn't surprise me at all. I'd look at the players who aren't getting playing time and play a position of need, and I think that's a safe bet that is where the academic casualities are going to be coming from. I doubt Kill is spending his time playing a lot of players who are going to flunk out. I'm not trying to hint at anyone in particular, but there are a few players who complete lack of PT seems a bit peculiar.

True freshman, Dillon Baxter at USC was kicked off the team for academics yesterday. He lasted 8 weeks. He was one of the top rb recruits in the country. The $200,000 scholarship comes with some strings like getting your butt out of bed and going to class. Oh, but we need to now pay the athlete as well? LMAO

Maybe I am missing something but, how does one become ineligible in the middle of a semester?

Maybe I am missing something but, how does one become ineligible in the middle of a semester?

They don't really become ineligible, they just keep track of their grades and if things look shaky...they are suspended for academic reasons. If you read the article on Baxter, he wasn't ruled ineligible (I don't believe).

Sc did a preemptive strike. They are losing 30 schollies starting in 2012 and can not afford a slip in APR. You would know by midterms if the kid is a dumpster fire in academics or not.

They don't really become ineligible, they just keep track of their grades and if things look shaky...they are suspended for academic reasons. If you read the article on Baxter, he wasn't ruled ineligible (I don't believe).
I have taken many classes at the U that have one grade -- the final one.

Baxter is a sophomore, not a freshman.

I have to complement you DBdoll68, you are so cool in addition to being a really super duper smart guy. I bet people outside the Gopherhole in real life really look up to you, and secretly wish they were more like you!

You know more than almost any poster I can think of! In fact, I am sure you absolutely have to be the 2nd most "respected" member of Gopherhole, probably only behind the great RickMons/Snowman.

Of course we all can't be so brilliant as you (and Ricky), but at least you give us something to aspire to!!!!! Keep it up for all of us!!!!!!

It only makes sense, that when any of the "rest of us" post, we should pause before clicking on the enter button, and ask the question that follows. Would DBgDoll68 expect more of us and will he approve of our opinion? If the answer is no, well.......

Baxter is a sophomore, not a freshman.

I have to complement you DBdoll68, you are so cool in addition to being a really super duper smart guy. I bet people outside the Gopherhole in real life really look up to you, and secretly wish they were more like you!

You know more than almost any poster I can think of! In fact, I am sure you absolutely have to be the 2nd most "respected" member of Gopherhole, probably only behind the great RickMons/Snowman.

Of course we all can't be so brilliant as you (and Ricky), but at least you give us something to aspire to!!!!! Keep it up for all of us!!!!!!

It only makes sense, that when any of the "rest of us" post, we should pause before clicking on the enter button, and ask the question that follows. Would DBgDoll68 expect more of us and will he approve of our opinion? If the answer is no, well.......

You showed him.

Baxter is a sophomore, not a freshman.

I have to complement you DBdoll68, you are so cool in addition to being a really super duper smart guy. I bet people outside the Gopherhole in real life really look up to you, and secretly wish they were more like you!

You know more than almost any poster I can think of! In fact, I am sure you absolutely have to be the 2nd most "respected" member of Gopherhole, probably only behind the great RickMons/Snowman.

Of course we all can't be so brilliant as you (and Ricky), but at least you give us something to aspire to!!!!! Keep it up for all of us!!!!!!

It only makes sense, that when any of the "rest of us" post, we should pause before clicking on the enter button, and ask the question that follows. Would DBgDoll68 expect more of us and will he approve of our opinion? If the answer is no, well.......

You choose this post to try to tell off dpodoll?

No, he is just the best, and I had to let him know now. You never know when the pizza delivery guy will run you over.

Lol oak_street that is a terrible thing to call a guy out on. He was just making a correction.

Given the coaching staff is continually having to monitor over 60 players in regards to classwork, it would not be surprising at all...

The problem is who it may end up being.

Also, I wonder if all the recruits are still solid? I may have been reading into what he said, but I believe Kill made mention about possibly losing a couple in last Sunday's report.

Kill was talking about normal decommits, as kids change their minds, I don't think he's thinking of someone in particular. Devonte Robinson is a soft verbal to WVU, we're his second choice, just as we may lose a few we may gain a few.

Lol oak_street that is a terrible thing to call a guy out on. He was just making a correction.
No better time to start a pissing contest then when the poster you want to pick a fight with is, well, right. :cool:

Oak street

Oak Street honestly, let it go man. People make mistakes everyday, the man corrected you in a friendly manner. If a simple correction like that is eating you up, im appalled. These pissing matches over basically nothing is what tears an allready waning gopher fanbase, even more apart.

Lets support the Gopher Fans left at this time, not tear them down. With the current state of the program, we all need a hug right now, me included lol.

Oak Street honestly, let it go man. People make mistakes everyday, the man corrected you in a friendly manner. If a simple correction like that is eating you up, im appalled. These pissing matches over basically nothing is what tears an allready waning gopher fanbase, even more apart.

Lets support the Gopher Fans left at this time, not tear them down. With the current state of the program, we all need a hug right now, me included lol.

I think we can all get along on this thread:

I have taken many classes at the U that have one grade -- the final one.

Yeah, but the football players attendance is reported to Kill. From the tone of his discussion (talking about being a baby sitter, kids going to class), i'd imagine that any kid who is in serious trouble (Baxter or any of the possible Gophers) is either not going to class or not turning in those marginal assignments some classes have.

I'm sure Kill gets some reports from the tutors as well.

Yeah, but the football players attendance is reported to Kill. From the tone of his discussion (talking about being a baby sitter, kids going to class), i'd imagine that any kid who is in serious trouble (Baxter or any of the possible Gophers) is either not going to class or not turning in those marginal assignments some classes have.

I'm sure Kill gets some reports from the tutors as well.

Yes. If anything this is indicative of exactly how bad it is. These guys don't even need actual GRADES for someone to conclude their chances of passing are basically slim and none and slim's out of town.

It's about time they are held accountable for their grades! I don't care how good of an athlete they are, grades should be part of the equation of keeping that scholarship. If you can't cut it with all the extra help some of these kids are given with individual tutors, etc. there is no reason they should receive a free ride!!
Not fair to the kids that bust their butts everyday in school, get good grades & play sports at the same time, but don't get the scholarships because we are giving them away to high school seniors that can't even read or write & that's ok??? I'm sorry, but are they not in COLLEGE where higher education is what is to be occurring? @ least, last time I was there....that was the plan.

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