PiPress: Yes, you hate Iowa. Do you know why?


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Greder:

Many studies show that rivalries increase a player’s drive. A study of European soccer matches, for instance, has shown higher levels of exertion and more yellow cards distributed.

Gavin Kilduff, associate professor of management and organizations at New York University’s Stern School of Business, looked at six years of race data from a U.S. running club. He found that running against a rival can improve speed by up to five seconds per kilometer.

“That just speaks to the motivation and performance aspect of rivalry,” Kilduff said. “That it can really push people to try harder to win.”


Go Gophers!!

If you equate my hate for iowa to speed, I'm pretty sure I could get going somewhere between the speed of sound and light. Not bad for an old guy. As for why? Why ask why?!?

I know Iowa is a border rival, but I still hate Wisconsin twice as bad as Iowa. I think alot of it has to do with the fact I work with more people from WI than IA. I have to hear the Packer crap all the time too, so that only fuels my hatred towards Wisconsin. If we could only beat one team every year, would you rather it be Iowa or Wisconsin? For me, it would be Wisconsin hands down.

per Greder:

Many studies show that rivalries increase a player’s drive. A study of European soccer matches, for instance, has shown higher levels of exertion and more yellow cards distributed.

Gavin Kilduff, associate professor of management and organizations at New York University’s Stern School of Business, looked at six years of race data from a U.S. running club. He found that running against a rival can improve speed by up to five seconds per kilometer.

“That just speaks to the motivation and performance aspect of rivalry,” Kilduff said. “That it can really push people to try harder to win.”


Go Gophers!!

I have it on good authority that bulletin board material/rivalry/emotion has no effect on motivation or output. Source: someones's posterior

I really liked Iowa when Hayden Fry was coach. He raised a program from the dead and they played a fun brand of football for the time. Kirk F is a class guy, and though his teams are much more boring than the Fry teams, I respect the way they do things. I have always been treated very well in Iowa City, and enjoy Iowa City. Iowa is one of the better road trips for a fan in the Big Ten.

I still hate Iowa with a passion.

The idiotic fans that used to travel to the games in the metrodome and the arrogant fans on the Iowa Boards years ago cemented that for me. The Iowa fans that moved to the Twin Cities in hope of better life that attend these games are the main problem. Most never sniffed acceptance into the University of Iowa ( similar to the WalMart Wolverine crowd), and those are the idiots we used to see at the Metrodome. In Iowa City you see very few of this type.

I really liked Iowa when Hayden Fry was coach. He raised a program from the dead and they played a fun brand of football for the time. Kirk K is a class guy. I have always been treated very well in Iowa City, and enjoy Iowa City.

I still hate Iowa with a passion.

The idiotic fans that used to travel to the games in the metrodome and the arrogant fans on the Iowa Boards years ago cemented that for me.

They're still around. I'm shocked we haven't seen many crawl out of the crevices yet. If we lose tomorrow oh boy.

They're still around. I'm shocked we haven't seen many crawl out of the crevices yet. If we lose tomorrow oh boy.

They sure loved the Metrodome; those Iowa fans could have bought up 10,000 empty additional seats at TCF some years and they never do. Good year of mediocre year, they showed up at the Metrodome, but rarely at TCF. We will see about 7,000 or so tomorrow. I think they are really fed up with Ferentz and that is part of it and the 12-0 start last year created an odd dynamic, with the Stanford debacle factored in. I expect a real weak Iowa crowd tomorrow.

Iowa fans are consistently the biggest assholes on the weekends they show up here.

wisconsin fans are the biggest assholes year-round.

I have always found Iowa fans much more tolerable than badger fans.

They sure loved the Metrodome; those Iowa fans could have bought up 10,000 empty additional seats at TCF some years and they never do. Good year of mediocre year, they showed up at the Metrodome, but rarely at TCF. We will see about 7,000 or so tomorrow. I think they are really fed up with Ferentz and that is part of it and the 12-0 start last year created an odd dynamic, with the Stanford debacle factored in. I expect a real weak Iowa crowd tomorrow.
Perfectly summarized. I know some nice Iowa fans though. Can't say the same about Wisconsin. They are all arrogant.

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