PiPress: Weber, Cupito analyze QB situation


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Marcus:

"I'm 100 percent against alternating quarterbacks," Cupito said. "Pick one and run with it. If that quarterback struggles, then switch. But switching during the game off and on is terrible."

Weber can relate to the criticism Nelson received after the Iowa loss. He hopes Nelson's maturity can help him deal with the pressure of trying to lead an offense that is struggling to find balance.

"It's hard to have that experience if you're not throwing the ball," Weber said. "It's hard to get into a rhythm if you're not throwing the ball. But, regardless, you have to find a way. Saturday is going to be a tough one. But I still have a lot of confidence in Philip. I still have a lot of confidence in the team to progress and learn from the last week."


Go Gophers!!

I like college QBs who can run so always had a bit of a grudge against Cupito, but the kid threw a pretty darn nice ball and lord knows he wasn't playing in a wildly imaginative passing offense.

I like college QBs who can run so always had a bit of a grudge against Cupito...

Increased his completion percentage every year (from 47.1 to 59.6). Increased his passing yards every year (from 2097 to 2819). Increased the number of touchdown thrown every year (from 14 to 22) [I'm excluding his FR year for all stats]. And he went to 3 straight bowl games. Yeah, I have a grudge against guys like that too.

Cupito was a very smart QB who got the maximum out of his ability. The junior/senior Cupito would have beat Iowa last Saturday. Iowa was playing 9 in the box. We had receivers wide open. I think # 16 is Harbison and once on a delay route is was open by 10 yards when Nelson took a sack. Michigan
will play 9 in the box.

liked cupito. liked weber more (seems like i'm the only one). hope i can say the same for nelson or leidner when they're done here.

liked cupito. liked weber more (seems like i'm the only one). hope i can say the same for nelson or leidner when they're done here.
Say what? That you liked one more or that everyone disagreed with you?

weber was a tough sob who took the shots, held onto the ball and ran back to the huddle.

I like Cupito's analysis. Nelson can play much better. He looks like he has one foot on the brake and the other on the gas. Might be TMI from the coaching staff and/or too much pressure to produce. Cupito has a point about playing one QB to give him a chance and not interfere with his confidence. Most likely starter is Nelson. I doubt the running game will be successful against MI without a passing attack. One or two touchdowns probably won't be enough offense.

Cupito was a very smart QB who got the maximum out of his ability. The junior/senior Cupito would have beat Iowa last Saturday. Iowa was playing 9 in the box. We had receivers wide open. I think # 16 is Harbison and once on a delay route is was open by 10 yards when Nelson took a sack. Michigan
will play 9 in the box.

I thought I was halucinating because Harbison was so wide open on several plays and Nelson never even looked at him. I thought maybe it was a trick, like a WWE ploy where a guy takes off his jersey and it's really someone from the other team. I could not believe how wide open he was on several plays and Nelson seemed to not even know he was on the field. After one play later in the game you could see Harbison was walking back to the line dejected - as if saying why do I even bother...

Because why would you even look toward the only 4 star receiver currently with the team?? Especially when he's wide open!!! UGH!!!!

per Marcus:

"It's hard to have that experience if you're not throwing the ball," Weber said. "It's hard to get into a rhythm if you're not throwing the ball. But, regardless, you have to find a way.

Imagine that.

I liked them both, too. Cupito did well with the offense that Mason ran. Weber was recruited to run that exact same offense. Had Mason
stayed, I think we would have seen a very much different career from Weber. No doubt. Instead, he was a victim of the carousel of
offensive coaches.....

Loved Weber during the 55-0 Iowa game (not being sarcastic). I can remember one point in the game where his receivers had pretty clearly decided they had more important things to do than hustle, and started jogging their routes. Weber took what seemed like 3-4 quarterback runs in a row, taking hard hits every time, then hustling back to the huddle, all in a game that we had long since lost. Gotta love a guy that is willing to take that much punishment for a team that has given up in a game.

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