PiPress: Gray impresses Minnesota Gophers coach Kill so far. Enough for a nickname.


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Nov 11, 2008
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I really hope that Horton goes on to great success. From the article:

Gray said Horton, now the San Diego State quarterbacks coach, sent him a text message before Minnesota's first spring practice Thursday. He made sure to call Gray by his new nickname.

"That really made me excited," Gray said. "He said, 'Have a good spring ball, Q. We love you, and go get that quarterback job.' "

Go Gophers!!

Gray sorry Q will have two solid years. I'm hoping with his big arm he will have a big year with McKnight and Green. As far as Horton...nothing but class. Who hates Iowa?? Horton beat Iowa.

Gray will end up a legend at Minnesota. I love this kid. He is always doing/saying the right thing.


Great article.. And Coach Horton will ALWAYS have a very special place in the hearts of Gopher fans.


"To be perfectly honest with you, he's picked it up the fastest," Limegrover said. "There weren't any preconceived notions about anything. But what happened is that he really put in his time and has really developed. If there was another guy with his knowledge base and control right now, then he would be the guy in the huddle. But (Gray) is the best guy to go out and give the first team the best chance to be successful right now, because he's the furthest along. It's nice that this is also a guy that has a lot of athletic ability."

Clearly, Q has established important separation from the other QB's based on something these coaches value very highly: hard work.

Given Q's strong work ethic, that gap is likely to increase even more unless the other QB's really begin to pickup their learning curve. Right now, Limegrover seems to be saying that the #2 spot is wide-open for whoever shows they can really step up.

And Coach Horton will ALWAYS have a very special place in the hearts of Gopher fans.


I really wish Q had three years of eligibility (I know, no sense in bringing it up since there is nothing we can do about it).

He has such athletic ability that he is a dual threat. I remember watching a game last year when Q was playing qb and he ran outside the pocket and was 1 on 1 with the de. The de just froze because he did not know if Q was going to run or throw. With his quickness and throwing strength he is always a threat no matter the situation.

"To be perfectly honest with you, he's picked it up the fastest," Limegrover said. "There weren't any preconceived notions about anything. But what happened is that he really put in his time and has really developed. If there was another guy with his knowledge base and control right now, then he would be the guy in the huddle. But (Gray) is the best guy to go out and give the first team the best chance to be successful right now, because he's the furthest along. It's nice that this is also a guy that has a lot of athletic ability."

Clearly, Q has established important separation from the other QB's based on something these coaches value very highly: hard work.

Given Q's strong work ethic, that gap is likely to increase even more unless the other QB's really begin to pickup their learning curve. Right now, Limegrover seems to be saying that the #2 spot is wide-open for whoever shows they can really step up.

So much of this game is mental. Q simply feels like he paid his dues and that he is going to do whatever it takes to get his full opportunity to lead this team at QB; he certainly respects the other QBs but feels like he must lead them as well. Plus, all of his teammates know that he is a flat out PLAYMAKER! I do expect that one or two of the other QBs will step up and show good development and capability to step in if needed.

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