PiPress: Gophers plan to keep Jonah Pirsig at left tackle


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Greder:

Gophers coach Jerry Kill took the blame Tuesday for not moving right tackle Jonah Pirsig to left tackle sooner in Thursday's 23-17 loss to Texas Christian.

"That was too late," Kill said. "Made a critical mistake by not getting that done. ... I blame us (coaches). I blame me."

Pirsig helped shore up quarterback Mitch Leidner's blindspot for the final three quarters against the No. 2-ranked Horned Frogs and could remain at that critical spot for Saturday's game against Colorado State in Fort Collins, Colo.

"There's a possibility that we'll probably right now play Jonah at left tackle," Kill said. "He's playing very well, and (we'll) just move Josh (Campion) over to right tackle, him and Foster (Bush)."


Go Gophers!!

If you listened to Coach Limegrover, he said Jonah has flipped the switch from just playing his position to a complete understanding of what the offensive line is doing. Moving him to left tackle is no problem. He settled in and the problem was solved. Getting Campion and Christenson back will help solidify the line. Meanwhile Mayes, Bush get reps.

Except for his whiff on Freeze on the near safety -blocked air and that was the precipitating factor in that play, pressure in Mitch's face. We had 6 blocking 5. Also the audible play. Anyway, he's getting better and that's the important thing.

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